The Hughes HK-1 Spruce Goose

The Spruce Goose has had a long and varied history.  After an extremely drawn out and troublesome construction period (which outlasted WWII, the reason for its construction in the first place), it made exactly one short flight in 1947 under the control of Howard Hughes. Following the flight (which was made without advance warning by Hughes to "prove a point") the plane was put into storage until a geodesic dome was constructed in Long Beach California (opposite the Queen Mary ocean liner) in order to display the plane as an "attraction". 

In late 1992 the Spruce Goose was disassembled and shipped over 1000 miles to McMinnville Oregon, destined to be the centerpiece of the planned Evergreen AirVentures Aviation Museum (since delayed and renamed... check out the Official Spruce Goose Website at  for the complete saga).  Ever since its arrival at McMinnville in mid 1993, it has been in temporary storage in its disassembled state, awaiting the construction of its new home.

 Spruce Goose Spare Cockpit

("Just a few more parts & we'll have a pair of 'em!")

(1997, 568x384x16M JPEG Filesize=84K)

 Spruce Goose Port Wing

(That door-shaped hole is a full-size hatch!)

(1997, 540x384x16M JPEG Filesize=67K)

 Goose in the Garage

(The Spruce Goose awaits its new home)

(1997, 800x337x16M JPEG Filesize=68K)


Unless otherwise specified or credited, all materials are:
Copyright ©1985-2000 Steve Kennedy, PacAir Communications
All Rights Reserved. Materials are for private use only. Permission required for redistribution/commercial use.