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Dirk Wacker (doc_holiday)
Username: doc_holiday
Registered: 02-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 03:43 am: | |
My 112RD50 came without tubes, so I have to decide what to put in now. I need a strong clean and percussive tone for country, jazz/bebop and rockabilly stuff. As for overdrive I donīt need any high-gain or heavey metal tone, just a good old fashioned vintage overdrive I thought about: 2 x TAD 6L6GC-STR 1 x TAD 12AX7A-C/ECC83 from Any other suggestions, opinions, experience ... ? |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 - 10:20 am: | |
The 6L6 choice is a lot better than it was a few years ago. JJ's, TAD, SED, are all fine tubes for new prod. Do I have afavorite? Yes but that won't do YOU any good. I have JJ's in MY Music Man amps but they are EL34/6CA7 amps. The Rd's, being 6L6 amps are a whole different ball game. For my 6L6 amps(Fender) I DO have JJ's in them but have been interested in the TAD's. I have used and liked SED's in my fender amps and they were very good too. In other words, I don't have and answer. I've used them all. The only onew I DON'T suggest are Sovtek and Groove Tubes. I've had nothing but rouble with them. The sovtek tubes sounded like cr$p and the GT's just shorted out and tube the screeners with it(and a tube socket or two). Unfortunately, it's pretty much a trial and error thing these days. I've had people tell me thay had nothing but trouble with the JJ tubes and I've had nothing but good luck with them. I've discussed this is several places out in the web world and I'm still under the impression that the quality of tubes has a LOT todo with where you buy them and how far they get shipped(I know-they came from europe and thats a long commute) but it's sure suspicious that the same brand of tube that I have good luck with sucks in texas but the tubes that THEY use with great success bite it here. Go figure. Anyway, long post to tell you that I'd try the TAD's and tell us how you like them. Mike. |