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Steve Walsh
| Posted on Friday, December 20, 2002 - 03:19 pm: | |
I have a 2x10 75 watt (reverb/phasor) and I am looking for a 2x10 cabinet to complement. Can anyone recommend a cabinet/manufacturer for a good vintage tone? Also, I'm currently have 8ohms wired in series for 4 ohm impedance, if I add a 2x10 -- what ohms should it be and where should my impedance switch point to? Thanks. |
Steve Walsh
| Posted on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 09:36 am: | |
Anyone?? |
| Posted on Monday, December 30, 2002 - 04:56 pm: | |
A while ago I was looking for an additional cabinet for my 210-65. Being on a budget, I really didn't come across anything afforadable nor did I find anything that sounded good. Mostly I saw 2-12" cabs, not 2 10"'s. So I built my own out of pine, tolex, and a couple of Carvin 10" speakers. After I got over the smell of the glue I used to put the tolex on, and got the splinters out of the corners of my eyes - I found that I built a cab that sounded better than anything that I'd come across in stores, costing over $400 new. And it only cost me about $150. I copied the size of my 210-65. (If you don't want to build a cab, look around for a cheap used amp, whose cabinet you can "chop to suit"). The only thing that really doesn't match is the efficency of the speakers. The Music Man's speakers are more efficient than the Carvin's, and as such they are louder. Thats a tradeoff you'll find unless all 4 speakers match. Regarding your impedance question for example, my 210-65 amp has 2 8 ohm speakers wired together in parallel (not series). The total impedance at the tip of the speaker plug is 4 ohms. Thats where the impedance switch goes, when I'm just using the amp's 2 speakers. When I plug the extension 4 ohm cab in which is also wired in parallel into the series wired chassis (as per the label at the speaker jacks), then the total impedance of speakers at the speaker impedance switch is 8 ohms. That's where the impedance switch goes. If I had to do it over again, I'd have just put a couple of 10" Celestion Vintage 30's in. They sound good, are loud and cost about what I paid to skin my knuckles, and stink up my house with contact cement. Have fun, Langley. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 09:27 am: | |
John D
| Posted on Monday, January 27, 2003 - 08:58 pm: | |
Langley: You still out there? My 210-65 says the speakers are wired in Series...I'm confusticated by your Dec. post...did you change the wiring in yours to parallel? Or should I be using the 4-ohm setting instead of the 8? Both the 10's in my unit are 8-ohm. Can you clarify? Thanks! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2003 - 09:26 am: | |
If I'm reading your post correctly, I think that you are refering to the writing on the back of the chassis that says something like "Speaker Jacks Connected in Series". The 2 chasis mounted speaker jacks are connected in series. But the speakers cabinet's speakers are connected in parallel. (Huh??? Series and Parallel?) Here's a breakdown: Speakers in the amp cabinet - 2 8 ohm speakers wired in parallel = 4 ohms. Extension cabinet - 2 8 ohm speakers wired parallel also = 4 ohms. (General notes: 2 8 ohm speakers wired parallel = 4 ohms; 2 8 ohm speakers wired in series = 16 ohms. Mathematically... "R" = resistance Series: R_total = R1 [+ R2 + R3 + R4 ....] Parallel: 1/R_total = 1/R1 [ + 1/R2 + 1/R3 ...} ..or something like that) When I play using only the amps's own cabinet mounted speakers I set the impedance selector switch to 4 ohms. When I add the 4 ohm extension cabinet, I set the impedance selector switch to 8 ohms. because the chassis speaker jack wiring is in series - just like it says. Take a look at, which has a pretty good section about speaker wiring. Good luck, Langley. |
John D.
| Posted on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 - 04:47 pm: | |
Got it! Thanks a bunch. Yeah, it's bit wierd and confusing, but you're's the JACKS that are wired in series, and the speakers in parallel. Last question...what would I set the switch at if I plug in an 8 ohm extension speaker on top of the two 8-ohm speakers in the amp? Doesn't that come out to something like 2 ohms? I appreciate your input. THanks again. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 30, 2003 - 09:30 am: | |
The best switch setting is "off".
| Posted on Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - 10:35 pm: | |
Hi all. Anyone own a 210RH cabinet? I want to build one, and need the dimensions.....big ask, I know. All help greatly appreciated. Otherwise I gotta just copy the 210HD cab. |
| Posted on Friday, May 27, 2005 - 06:08 am: | |
i can give you the dimensions for the 2 12" but i dont know if they are the same... definately build an rh style cab. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 29, 2005 - 07:43 pm: | |
Hi - many thanks, dims for the 212RH would be great. I can always just build the 212. I'm guessing the cabs would be the same size. It's really good of you to help with the dimensions. Drop me an email if you wish - Thanks again! Ed |
| Posted on Saturday, June 04, 2005 - 08:43 am: | |
just waiting for someone to say if they arethe same or not |
| Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 - 06:26 pm: | |
No prob! Thanks again. If no response, I'd be happy with the 212 dims.... Do you reckon $500 is overs for a Rd110? |
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 01:19 am: | |
nope i think in australia any musicman under 800-900 is a steal, obviously it would have to be in good condition. My friend is selling 2 10 130 hd with $1000 altecs in it for $1400. He just got a 2 12" for $1100, i paid $1150 for mine, and my 2 12" Rh ended up costing $500. Musicmans on ebay au have been going for $1100-$1400 (Hd 130's) and ive seen a 65w 1 x 12 for $800 with unoriginal grillcloth in melbourne. Although rare, people are starting to realise they awesome value for money, ive had mine next to old fender twins, and jmp marshalls and i know which amp i liked best. |