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| Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 03:21 pm: | |
My 210 (65?) has very low volume, like a TV in the other room. How do I go about troubleshooting, and seeing if (which) tubes need replacement? How much do tubes cost in $US? Thanks all |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 04:17 pm: | |
Please provide details of the events leading to and including the failure. Please include installed tube data - -how many - identify their numbers (6L6GC;, EL-34; 6CA7; 12AX7, etc...) Indicate the amp's service history. Whats the amp's temperate environment. Is there any visible rust? What is your local? Is the amp used frequently, or does it 'sit'? Tubes aren't all that expensive, > $35US per matched pair. It only gets expensive if they blow out as soon as you install them. Good Luck. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 07:29 pm: | |
Thanks Langley, the amp has sat a long time, last known time it had normal volume has 3 years ago, and hasn't been used since (i know what a shame) I will get the tube info upon returning home. The amp has been indoors of an air conditioned home in So Cal. No visible rust, just lots of dust bunnies, which I have carefully wiped and vacuumed out. I promise to use the amp MUCH MORE when I get it working. Is there a quick look way to see what's working? For instance would a tube still glow if it is not fully operational? Thanks |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 10:40 pm: | |
The problem can be anything from dirty input jacks to bad speakers, and anything in between. I'd try some intuitive things, before calling a professional (which I'm not). Make sure the tubes are intact and properly seated (amp off, unplugged, and cold). Verify against the cabinet's tube chart.) Besides the channel volume and master vol being 'up' (eg., master on 10, channel on 2~3) the tone controls need to be up as well (eg., treble 6, mid 4, bass 4). If the tone controls are down, the amp may sound distant. If that doesn't fit, I'd try a known good speaker (amp off when re-connecting). If the above isn't the case, and your amp has a 12AX7 tube (a single little one) the next easy thing I'd try is to replace the 12AX7 with a known good one. If you don't see one -take a good look at the chassis and see if it's missing. (replace with amp off and unplugged). If the amp smokes, or in general, seems unsafe or questionable in any way (like power tubes glowing red, smells odd...) - dont try any of the above. In any case, I really suggest bringing the amp to a technician. Some of the components have a life span of about 10~15 years. More than that is just luck, and an example of quality production during an era when we thought that everything was made like crap. For less than the cost of a new low-end amp that can sound nothing like a Musicman, you can renew a classic. If you change power tubes, you'll need to bring it to a tech for biasing, anyway. You can always just buy an estimate. Good luck. ***I'm not a BSEE, but I play one in the bath, with a plugged in toaster.*** |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 - 11:24 pm: | |
Langley- I had set about to learn my tube specs for my 210-135, figured I'd do what you suggested (before reading your reply) and seated the tubes, then let her warm up to see if any "glowing" differences existed. 10 minutes later ITS A MIRACLE, she was blast loud enough to get "turn that down, it's 11:15 at night!". I bought this unit in 1980, with serial number 000026 Fender Lead II, when Fender had returned to the 4-bolt neck, whole package $750 used with lo miles (ha). Guitar black with maple neck. THANK YOU for your good advice, gatto go rock. Peace. |
| Posted on Monday, July 08, 2002 - 01:45 pm: | |
I had a miracle turned out to be just my speaker wires were crossed ps.has anyone used class II wiring?
gary reynolds
| Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2002 - 03:57 pm: | |
| Posted on Saturday, July 20, 2002 - 01:31 pm: | |
Gary, What are you using for speakers, and do you have a HD65 combo with one 12 inch or 2/12? Have you every had a cap job done? The amp may not be putting out full power after 20+ years. The Deville is fairly new and running at its peak power. You can get most of the Sprague caps from Do not get the 450V/100 Sprague they are too big, and you have a hard time getting them in. Get the Xicon 450/100. They are a litte more only $6.27 each, but fit much better . I think this will help. Also replace the PVC 600v/.047 orange drop capacitors. They are the brown looking capacitors on the driver board.
| Posted on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 09:06 am: | |
Gary - I've a friend that has a HRDeville (60W). We played a couple of gigs together, and he always played louder that my 210-65. At a couple of practices, he brought his HRDeville, and I played a Marshall 100Watt DSL with a 4/12 cab. His HRDeville was still more audible than the DSL100. (Large open back cabinet plays an important role. Also, the 4-10 HRD is louder than the 2-12 HRD) The saving grace, here, is that both the MM210-65 and the DSL100 SOUND GREAT. The HRDevill is just loud. (Same difference as between bottles of Dom Perignon and Contact Lens cleaner.) If your amp sounds loud enough, to you, when you play it alone, whats to worry? Do you get any hum out of the amp? Snap crackel pop's? If it aint broke... You could pay a Tech an hour's bench time to check out and bias the amp. I just did, and it was nice to hear that my 24 year old MM210-65 is in perfect shape - caps and all. Cost me $53-, to have Dennis Kager go over my amp, for peace of mind. But,'ya know what LOUD gets you, in the long run? 40% deaf and distorted in both ears - like me. Trust me when I tell you that it's no fun - when my sons friend asked, one morning: "Sean up?" then I want to twist his little head around cause I swear I heard hime say: "Shut up". Play low. Live long and arpeggiate, Langley. |
gary reynolds
| Posted on Saturday, July 27, 2002 - 12:25 pm: | |
terry, i am using a vht 412 cabinet with my hd 65. its not a 112 or a 210,it is just a head.i thank you for your reply.gotta go and work on my amp! |
Don Tucker (stratback)
Username: stratback
Registered: 04-2011
| Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 - 10:52 am: | |
I just got a RP65 112 combo in great condition, about a 82 model, sounds good, but doesnt put out volume I expect , Ive got a Tech21 Tm60 and a Superchamp XD 15 watt tube amp sittng right next to itto compare.They are both louder. I would think with master on 10 and gain on 7 it would blow me out of a 10x12 room but it doesnt. Ive ordered new tubes, going to try that first , then try my tech 21 speaker in it to compare volume. I hope its not a transformer. |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 - 12:48 pm: | |
Yeah, that amp should run you out of the building up that high. Maybe plug another cab in first to try. |