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| Posted on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 11:27 am: | |
Hello, I hope I am not infringing on anyone here, but I do mods and repairs to Music man amps and other tube amps as well. If anyone is interested, I can do the Clapton mod as well as channel switching, have reverb on both channels, add an effects loop, etc. If you are interested, please email me or call me 916-899-0037 for details. thank you Ed Goforth |
Steve Kennedy (admin)
| Posted on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 05:56 pm: | |
No problem... there always seems to be someone looking for a repair person closer to their part of the country. I encourage repair people with the necessary skills to make their presence known. Just keep in mind that it would only take one bad repair deal to mess with your reputation because they could always express their frustration here afterwards! Steve
Ed Goforth
| Posted on Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 01:32 pm: | |
Great! Thank you Steve, I have always enjoyed this site. I sold a RD-50 112 to a gentlman in Corona ca, who is friends with Cris Cain, a big RD-50 user. Well see what he thinks about the mods. Maybe the new owner can express his feelings on the RD-50 mods. Basically it makes the amp more punchy, more depth in the clean channel. The overdrive is "smooth and articulate" according to him. Well that was what my intentions were and thats what it did for him, he is very happy with it. He will comment more on the mods after gigging with it. There are some mods to the power supply for quieter performance, and warmth without sacraficing tone. Slightly more gain but the low gain settings are very usable from very slight compressed breakup to blues on up to blues/rock gain that stays more focused at higher gain settings with a tighter low end, not being so farty as the stock version can be when maxxed. Any questions please email me or call me at 916-899-0037 I am also wondering if there is any interest in doing something like a reissue type amp, since MM is no longer making amps. I would like to do something like what the older HD-one-thirty had, 12ax7 driver (but without the reliability issues), effects loop and a refined preamp with channel switching. Be able to use 6L6 or EL-34 power tubes etc. If anyone is interested in something like this I would like to know. I have always liked the sounds of Music Man amps. I really liked Tommy Johnston's of the Doobie Brothers. I have photo's and a Video of him using a HD-130 (12ax7 driver stage) what tone especially on "Dark eyed cajun woman"! thanks Guys and Gals, Ed Goforth
Rick Lunetta
| Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 12:07 am: | |
My name is Rick Lunetta and I am the content owner of a Music Man RD112 Fifty that I recently bought from Mr. Ed Goforth. Ed did some circuit mods and component substitutions to the amp that quite noticeably and significantly improved the tone quality. I thought I should comment on Ed's work here in case any other Music Man amp owners are wondering where to have their amps serviced or who may be wondering about modifications to better suit their tastes in tone. I own another stock RD112 that I was very happy with, and I wouldn't have believed that a significant improvement was possible until I acquired Ed Goforth's amp. As a result of the mods, the overdrive in Ed's amp is much smoother and more refined while still having wide dimension and bite. It is very Dumble like in both sound and feel. Ed also slightly altered the gain structure of the clean channel so that it now has much more depth and punch than the stock RD112 has. Hence, it sounds and feels much more like an all tube amp rather than a hybrid amp. Last night, I took it out for the first time to a gig at a blues club in LA, and that little beast of an amp stole the show and got everybody's attention. I enjoyed myself immensely! Thanks Ed! Ed seems to know these amps extremely well and I understand that he as done a great deal of testing and tweaking to discover how to bring out the best these great amps have to offer. So I can recommend his services without any reservation. I'm certainly a happy camper. |
michael kaus
| Posted on Friday, May 13, 2005 - 06:37 am: | |
Good to hear someone is interested in working on MM's out there. We are in short supply and people just think they're a fender knock off but for god's sake, don't try to bias them that way! MIke. |
| Posted on Sunday, September 18, 2005 - 07:06 pm: | |
Hi Guys, I just want to add that while Richard says his RD sounds and feels very D*mble-like, the RD and D*mble ODS are 2 completetly separate amps, while the RD has some of the D*mble qualities, it is still very much Music Man with my own ideas that I came up with, and yes Mr. Dumble has been a big inspiration as Randall Smith and Jim Marshall, and of course and probably the one who deserves most of the credit for guitar amps in the 1st place, Mr. Leo Fender, (RIP). I hear a sound in my head or take what I like about the amp that I am working on and improve on its strong points and go from there. It is not practicle to try to make a D*mble out of a RD or any MM, though you could put some of the same circuitry that a D*mble has in it (like Andy Fuch's did), but I like what the basic MM amp does and like to expand on them. They can be warmed up without loosing clarity and punch, the overdrive can be made more smooth and articulate, the power supply more quiet etc. MM amps have a great foundation that can be built on. ;^) Ed |
Ed Goforth
| Posted on Monday, March 13, 2006 - 09:38 pm: | |
Hi guys, I have moved and have only limited internet use. I can be reached at 530-529-0389 (Red Bluff California) If anyone is interested in any Musicman amp mods. I moved here to be closer to my folks that are getting older now. My message email at this time is, thanks |
Ed Goforth (ed_goforth)
Username: ed_goforth
Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 10:53 am: | |
Hi everybody, I now have my email up and going. Its 530-529-0389 Sorry for not being able to answer some of your emails. I have resolved my internet issues. I am availble once again. Thank you Steve for this Great site! Ed |
Dave Gossett (davey)
Username: davey
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Sunday, December 24, 2006 - 03:24 pm: | |
Hi, By coming to this site I learned that Ed Goforth is living in the same town as me. So I contacted Ed, and he was more than happy to work on my HD-130 reverb head doing a cap replacement, and repairing some other bugs he found during the process. I have it back now and I can't remember my amp "ever" sounding any better than it does now. Honestly, Ed Goforth did a great job on my amp. I'm very happy with the great sound I've got now. Thanks ED !! This is a great site, I've learned so much about taking care and maintaining Music Man amps. Thank you Steve, for this web site, and all the information you, and the rest of the great folks here have supplied helping us guitar players. Best Regards, Dave. |
Ed Goforth (ed_goforth)
Username: ed_goforth
Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Thursday, March 12, 2009 - 11:46 pm: | |
Hi all, I have a new phone number for those who would like to contact me, its 530-529-0389 or 530-736-8708 Thanks Ed |