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| Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - 10:56 am: | |
Has anyone actually done this?? What is it like? I can't imagine a music man with MORE treble... |
Steve Kennedy (admin)
| Posted on Saturday, July 23, 2005 - 07:47 pm: | |
I haven't done it myself. I only posted the info because some people have asked about it and the drawing was sent to me. Steve
michael kaus
| Posted on Sunday, July 24, 2005 - 06:22 am: | |
I also can't imagine MORE treble(tribbles?) on a MM amp. I have the original sheet that the R+D guys at MM sent me that they hand altered to show what they did to EC'c amps. They also altered it for more distortion. |
Ed Goforth (ed_goforth)
Username: ed_goforth
Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Thursday, August 03, 2006 - 01:53 am: | |
I have recently aquired a HD 65 212 with the 12ax7 driver tube and have played with some of the Eric Clapton mods. The mods that work best to my ears is the paralleling of a 4.7k resistor on R-32. I installed a push/pull 25k treble pot, so I can switch from stock to modded gain. The gain is slightly brighter, a little more bite and enough gain boost for most classic blues/rock (Cream tone). I tried paralleling a 1 uf cap across c-18, but could not really tell a significant difference to bother. The Clapton brite switch seems a bit brite for me, unless you are using dark speakers, it definately adds some presence! I would use something like 68k, 100, or 150k in place of the 3.3k resistor thats in series of the .0033 brite cap, it also stays brite with tha gain maxxed as where the stock brite swtich drops out when the gain is maxxed. If tweaked right, you can get a good tube sounding bite, but if its not tweaked right, its just too much, depending on pickups, amp settings, style and fingers/touch. I also changed the 2k mid pot to a 10k pot. The 10k really fattens up the mids in a good way, more range. from a Doobie Brothers type tone to a classic Clapton/Cream type tone with the gain and mid maxxed. I also like the f/x loop to send from the master volume wiper, just off of the .047uf cap. I works nicely to use a stereo jack in place of one ext. speaker jack, so there are no holes drilled and the amp can easily be returned to stock. I tried the loop as per the Clapton mod, but because the signal send is before the master volume, the effects are not attenuated and tend to get overloaded. If you can use a outboard tube buffered loop like a Dumbleator, the sound is amazing! It just warms it up more, but it is not neccessary. I have a Dumbleator and the way the return level is, the pot is after the second 12ax7 stage creating a nice powertube-like compression at lower volumes, getting fatter as its turned up. I have a pair of old EV SRO alnico 12's that sound awesome with this amp, but HEAVY!. I have been informed that Weber VST makes a Michigan speaker that is supposed to be the stuff, but be sure to request the magnets to be saturated! I understand it gives the speakers more of that Alnico tone... I would like to find those IC adaptors that go from the round can to the 8dip chip, so one could try other newer chips. Other than that, these amps are killer! Maybe at some point I will try to come up with a channel switching circuit to switch out the master volume when on the normal clean channel (also with reverb) and switch the master in for lead settings on the tremolo channel. I know this can be done, any thoughts on this would be welcome. thanks Ed |