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Keith Brown (caster)
Username: caster
Registered: 02-2007
| Posted on Sunday, February 11, 2007 - 04:45 pm: | |
I want to upgrade my power tubes from my ruby tubes to the best one could find. I have seen quite a few posts on tubes for mm's, most being new production tubes, however I would really like to hear from folks that have bought nos power tubes... Mullard, Bugle boy, Siemens, Gold lion kt77,Philips....and on and on. I have replaced tubes in my old Fender Vibrolux with Mullard and blackplate RCA with GREAT results, so I would love to hear the response of those using NOS tubes.I am using a 210-65 MM with no pi tube. Thanks, Aloha. KB. |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Monday, February 12, 2007 - 12:40 pm: | |
Well, the only prblem wit hte upgrade is that the cost is so stinking high. To get GOOD tubes, you are going to have to cough up some bucks. THe oruginal amps came will REAL 6CA7's, mostly being sylvania's. SOME amps came with amperex EL34's. I had one of those original amps. Music Man's are tough on tubes due to the high plate voltage(700v) so a quality tube is required, no matter what. I have used and still own several sets os sylvania's and they do sound good. Amazingly, I really didn't care much for the sound of the MM's with the amperex tubes. Go figure. Hell, the tubes are worth as much as the amp! I still have them and they are almost unused. If you can afford them AND you can find them, the sylvania 6CA7's would be the best but i don't think you'll find them. You're probably going to have to limit yorself to some of the variety of EL's that are out there. There are some several that sound good. NOS is great but honestly, unless yo've hit the lottery, I think we ALL need to start looking at new production because that's pretty much all that's out there. I use JJ's in MY MM's and have NO problems. Your amp is a current limiting type that needs to bias up with the instructions listed on this site somewhere. I agree that mullards, Siemens, etc., are fine tubes but are they worth the cost? I personally don't think so. Just my 2c worth. I just don't think the geese can hear the difference. Mike. |
Edward Solberg (edward_solberg)
Username: edward_solberg
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 12:32 pm: | |
mike, hi bro. I am positive I've seen NOS sylvania 6ca7's advertised in vintage guitar magazine... also I believe that vacuum tube valley carries them as well. if memory serves (please don't quote me) I seem to recall them selling for around $225 per matched pair from the vendor called Hi Test NOS Tubes. you'll run across their full-page ad in almost any issue of VG from the last year and a half. I don't recall the vacuum tube valley prices but I am certain they have a fair stock of them too.... now, that said, we need to caution people to be very wary here as the incredible demand for NOS tubes over the past five years (not to mention stockpiling and hoarding) has culled out the sets of really "good" NOS tubes into the hands of collectors and dealers asking premium prices for those same tubes. I agree with you heartily, mike, given all the givens (plate voltage in MM amps, dwindling supplies, etc.) the best way to go today is with the JJ E34L (or a winged "C" svetlana if available). just my $0.02-worth, e s |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 04:35 pm: | |
Good points. Also, the one other thing that I should mention if you're not up to speed on it. The yayhoo that owns New Sensor has bought up all the rights to good old names like mullard and tungsol. Be VERY careful if you decide to go "NOS" that you are getting the real thing. THere are a lot of new production tubes with the old names that we recognize that aren't the real thing. Here's a real good, concise(if that's possible) description of what's going on out there. |
T.E. Price (uposb4)
Username: uposb4
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Thursday, February 15, 2007 - 10:52 pm: | |
I read that and it just floors me that with technology at an all time high we cant get somebody to build a tube at least as good as the ones being made way back when i was a child. The JJ's are the best ive come across so far (lately). |