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| Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 08:07 am: | |
Hi i bought a MM RP100 head. It has one missing part, and is not working currently. It does power up and the tubes do glow, but there is no sound. I checked and realised that this part is missing. Can you pls help me indentify what is it, i believe its some transformer. Is it readily available? Cost a bomb? |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:49 pm: | |
It's not possible to accurately diagnose from a distance, and the data provided is scant. You may wish to secure the services of a comptent tech. If you do venture into the amp, please beware that even with the amp off there are stored voltages that can kill. If you are not versed in dealing with high voltage safely, please do not try it yourself. Better to take a loss on the head than to lose yours. That said, the following may be of use to you... There should be 2 nicely sized transformers, painted black. Examine the area and mount for the part you believe to be missing. Does anything appear to have been mounted there? examine for scratching or such. Does it look like it was a clean factory mount, or a prior 'project'? Is vandalism apparent? Could your amp have been used for 'parts'? (parts amps usually dont work...) If you can read schematics, download a copy of the schematic and see if you can figure out, based on the surrounding parts, which part may be missing. Is it chassis mounted? On a circuit board? (perhaps the amp was modded, then subsequently de-modded?) Many issues that arise can often be traced to causes that are not exotic, and more related to age and quality of care. Are the amp's input and speaker jacks clean and shiny? Tube socket contacts clean and tight? Is the speaker and its' cable known good? Have 'dimples' formed on the capacitors? Are the caps 'leaking any substance? Are the tubes known to be good and properly biased? Is any sound emitted when switching out of standby? Do the switches look worn or damaged? Excessive rust? Circuitboard integrity, ie, cracks, cold solder etc., component seperation? Is there an untoward odor coming from the amp? If you open up the chassis, do any parts look charred? Broken? Do the tubes get hot or just light up? These amps are fabulous, but some crucial components, like transformers, may not be cheap or easy or possible to get. If it's a recent purchase, perhaps a refund is in order? |