Jim Wainwright (av8or3)
Username: av8or3
Registered: 10-2007
| Posted on Monday, October 22, 2007 - 06:52 am: | |
First Post Guys, I own a small herd (4) of Music Man amps. 210/65,410/65,210HD/130 and a 410HD/130. A couple started to develope some problems and I stopped using them. Was planning on loading the whole lot up and taking them in for repair/service. Talking with a buddy and he told me of the need for cap replacement on these old amps and also mentioned this website, suggested I check it out. After much study and review, thanks to Steve Kennedy (for providing the Forum) and to the many others who post their experience and advise, I have successfully replaced all the electrolytic caps in all four amps! Along the way I was also able to identify and repair two of the problems that I was having that were not related to cap replacement. Thank you! Additional props go out to Mike Kaus who was kind enough to respond to my e-mails and help with advice and part numbers that made it possible for me to complete the work. I may have need for some repair services still, as I have a diminished volume problem on one of the channels in the 210HD/130 amp that I've yet to resolve. If necessary I'm sure I'll find the qualified tech who can fix it right here on this forum. (Terry?) Anyway, thanks all! This forum has been a most enjoyable and educational trip and I've come away with a greater appreciation for the little Music Man as a result. Honestly, I thought I was all alone in my love for these little amps! Thanks Again! Jim |