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John Mckeon (xi136)
Username: xi136
Registered: 01-2008
| Posted on Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 02:06 pm: | |
Anyone have any suggestions on what would be the best pedal for Overdrive, using vintage strat single coils, for MM 210-65? |
Giorgio (Italy) (giorgio) Username: giorgio
Registered: 07-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 05:26 pm: | |
I like the maxon od-9...but the best choice is yours ;) just try some fx and choose the best you like...sound obvious but that's the golden rule. |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 06:37 am: | |
Heavily modded boss bd-2's. I use a couple of them loaded in different ways. One for a crunchy rythym, the other for balls to the walls solos(like I'M capable of THAT) |
Zach Zupancic (crazyoctopus)
Username: crazyoctopus
Registered: 01-2008
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 12:58 am: | |
BBE Green screamer! i am using that for my overdrive pedal (212hd 150), and it is fantastic. i cant remember what the front face on a 210-65 looks like but i am almost sure that it is a 4 input front, if it is then try this... plug your guitar straight into the second channel input 1 slot, then put a cord into input 2. run that cord to the input of the green screamer, and the output of the pedal run into input 1 on the first channel. you have to mess with the volume on chan 1 to make sure that the tone you get when the pedal is off is nearly the same when the inputs aren't jumped. it has been discussed many times on this forum, but it is kinda like having an effects loop; not in the truest of sense but kinda like it. or if you want to run it like guitar->pedal->amp it might be a bit easier, but i have found that the way that i mentioned above lets you have your fab cleans and your thick overdriven tone at a touch of a button. another great pedal to thicken up the strat tone is the Fulltone OCD, havent had a chance to try it out with the amp, but that will be done on friday when i am going to test speakers on friday. |
Mark Lewis (skidmark)
Username: skidmark
Registered: 01-2008
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 10:23 am: | |
I'm looking to buy a BBE Boosta Grande for my sixtyfive head. They seem to be the most transparent booster pedal I've ever played through. |
Zach Zupancic (crazyoctopus)
Username: crazyoctopus
Registered: 01-2008
| Posted on Thursday, January 10, 2008 - 09:34 pm: | |
yeah i just tried that pedal out today, had a recommendation from a good friend of mine. they are really nice if you just want to boost the volume, 20db if i remember right, no added tone, or gain. just volume. it is staggeringly awesome for what it costs and what it is, but not really an overdrive pedal. |
Andrew Wilson (awilson40)
Username: awilson40
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 09:06 pm: | |
Dont laugh...but the Bad Monkey really sounds good. I have tried a lot of pedals and my board currently has a Barber DD and a Bad Monkey. I just keep going back to these 2 pedals with my Musicman. |
Walter Jowers (sonofswamp)
Username: sonofswamp
Registered: 08-2006
| Posted on Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 01:25 am: | |
Foxrox ZIM. .html |
Peter Maziar (mosfet)
Username: mosfet
Registered: 11-2006
| Posted on Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 09:28 am: | |
Radial Tonebone tube distortion. |
Paul Thomas (paulo)
Username: paulo
Registered: 10-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - 04:22 pm: | |
I'm using a Hughes & Kettner Tube Factor with my 112RP 100 and it works great - very controllable overdrive provided by the pedal's 12ax7 which maybe 'compensates' for the amp's solid state front end. This is with a Telecaster. |
T.E. Price (uposb4)
Username: uposb4
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - 10:38 pm: | |
I bought a Behringer Vintage tube monster VT999 and man i love it! Goes from slight breakup to nearly modern high gain and has that good warm tone. The stock 12ax7a is a little weak but after trying several types, It's bomb diggity! |