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| Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 08:10 am: | |
Greets (this site just keeps gettting better!) I gig with a pair of HD210-130s (chassis #2275-130/with the 12AX7 tube..don't have serial #s handy). I split guitar signal off left/right outputs from a Digitec processor and (through my own ignorance) have recently noticed that at the exact same volume and tone settings on each amp, the bass response washes out, indicating to me a speaker phasing problem(seperately, both amps sound fine, together the problem occurs),HOWEVER...both amps appear to be wired identically, I'am using the same tubes in each amp, each amp has the original square magnet MM speakers, running the processor in stereo OR mono dosn't change the problem....Before I open them up or start futsing around with the speaker wiring, I thought I'd run this by The Experts! Thanks for the time. |
Finn McCool
| Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 03:44 pm: | |
You gig with TWO HD130s?...Doesn't anyone ever ask you to turn down? Sorry, I'm not a REAL expert...but I'd think you could experimentally reverse the polarity of the speakers in one amp and see what that does to your problem...doesn't seem like that would be too difficult or risky. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 08:08 pm: | |
Thanks Finn for the response...would you believe that I mic them thru the PA!!..the band totes serious gear, and I'm just trying to keep up, and still enjoy power the way it's suppose to sound ( besides I gotta lug it )...switching speaker polarity in one amp is the next step...the only one who ever tells me to turn down is the rhythm player, seems his class A Boogie power can't keep up! |
Lewis Langley
| Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 08:32 pm: | |
A couple of ideas. Try using something other than the Digitec as a splitter. Try using 2 closed back cabinets. (I've experienced phasing problems when using multiple open-back amps.) (You might give Joe Naylor a call at Reverend Amps. I've delt with him. He's a pretty good guy and will actually talk to people! He's also a well known speaker designer. You can get the phone # from Good luck, Lewis. |
| Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 06:49 pm: | |
Thanks, guys for the ideas...tried the easy/obvious and switched speaker lead in one MM ( even though they both use the same molded plug/zip cord speaker lines and I attempted to follow the + wire ) and VioaLa(sp),problem solved...I just don't understand why -from the factory- they would be different..WoW,what PUNCH! Everybody told me to turn all is right with the world... |