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| Posted on Saturday, December 25, 2004 - 10:46 pm: | |
I just fell in to a Music Man 210 HD 150. What a true little monster. Unbelievable sound out of this rather small amp indeed. I have several other amps, 2 Marshalls, a 1974 Fender Twin 100W with 2X12 JBLs, as well as some really hot Crates - an 80W hybrid with 2X10s, and another all-tube Crate Turbo-Valve TV60 with 2X10 Celestions. But this little MM is probably the hottest I've seen in such a small package. And the sound with my Les Paul Custom, or the Super Strat is really great. I'd love to determine what year, etc., it was made. I believe it is a ~1980 or so. The following info: Chassis 2275-150 s/n B011862 Sold in Dallas Texas. Anyone know how to determine year, any other details on this one?
John Drexler
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 04:59 pm: | |
Steve Kennedy or Michael Kaus would probably be the best ones to reply to this question...the 150's series came out later in the MM timeline, if memory serves correctly, which would place it most likely in the area of 1980-1984. But again, those two guys can probably narrow it down better for you. Good luck of finding out! Yeah, my little 210-65 has WALLOP! I call it the "toaster." |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 09:36 pm: | |
Thanks John. Maybe I'll get another input on this. |
Michael Kaus
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 02:33 pm: | |
Honestly, MM s/n follow no pattern that I've heard of. I think John is about as close as you are going to get. The RP's and all that were the latest amps before the fall so that ought to be close. They are little monsters though. My 201 is a 65 and it's loud! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 09:26 pm: | |
Thank you Michael. It would seem odd if there were not a pattern or an order to the s/n's. I somewhere saw a message saying that often a date can be seen from a grease pencil inside the chassis somewhere, etc. Maybe we can pool our numbers and any associated chassis dates and "break the code". I wonder if anyone has tried or even suggested we do this!? During manufacture, there must have been a reason/logic behind the numbers used!!??
| Posted on Thursday, April 07, 2005 - 12:48 pm: | |
I've got one also. The MM HD210 One*Fifty is ID'd by Chassis # 2275-150. According to the schematic, the design was approved 7-15-80. My S/N is BO12478. These amps are rare and precious. I also own a Fender 5F6A Bassman Reissue. I use (real)Svetlana 6L6GC's in both amps and Mullard N.O.S. across the board otherwise for the Bassman (GZ34 tube rectifier lowers plate voltage by about 30 volts vs. SS in the '59 R.I.). It's ALL about clean reproduction of the tone you desire from your fingers, guitars and rig. PS- DANG! I live in S. CA now, but lived in Dallas for about 5 years. Would have loved to snap yours up while there :-). Ah well, spread the joy! |
Sean Brown
| Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2005 - 04:59 pm: | |
I have enjoyed my MM 210-65 for 15 yrs. or so. I am trying to date it and this forum has been helpful.The chassis has No. 2275-65-UL and s/n is No. BN07937. It falls into the '74 to '80 period according to info found here. I thought it was from the 70's. When I bought it I played my '69 Tele thru it and a Fender twin amp next to it and the MM blew the Fender away! I love both the warm distortion and clean sounds from it.I paid $400 for it.I've never cranked it all the way to "11" like in Spinal Tap(i'm a little afraid) because low volume is all I need. I get nice distortion at low volumes by maxing input and adjusting the master till it's loud enough for practicing.I've rarely used the high power but feel it would fill a small hall very nicely. Doe's anyone know if Keith Richards owns a MM amp.I know he owns a MM Silhouhette guitar(and many Teles).BTW I'm going to see the Stones for the first time in Sept. Can't wait.Thanks to the moderator and other contributors for all the useful and fun info here. Sean. |