Author |
Message |
Michael Kaus
| Posted on Sunday, June 09, 2002 - 10:33 am: | |
I have to brag about my MM since it replaced(actually semi retired) a great amp which was a factory JBL Twin. My 2-10 65 MM was bought sight unseen from a real nice guy in NY(I'm in Illinois) who saw me post a question on a Fender oriented web sight. He said he hadn't used it in years and it needed so tune up work as it hadn't played in a long time. I had to almost beg him to sell it to me as he wanted it to have a good home! Sent him the money and when it got here, I was almost afraid to open it up and look inside, as you NEVER know where they've been. It was like new inside and had been cared for VERY well. I re-tubes it with JJ EL34L's, recapped it, fixed the reverb(bad tank), and installed a new set of Weber California 10's and a NOS 12ax7 and it now screams every week. My band plays pretty much twice a week, every week, so it gets pushed pretty good. I sold MM amps in the 70's at Hamilton Music in Alton, so I was happy to get another one to play with. Just glad I got one so nice. And this one I can lift! Mike |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2002 - 11:59 am: | |
Ok I gotta tell you about my Music Man Guitar and Amp combo...When I gotta my Stingray II guitar it sounded ok..but then I put a new battery in and wow!! alot cleaner with a newfound single coil selection...bass and treble knobs are actually volume controls...4-switch selector and bright switch to get the sound you want...My amp is a Hd 130 with two 12"jaguar speakers...(no reverb or tremolo ()) [can you install these two things??] Well this combo suits me perfect...I'd like to get a MM cab to make it complete. Ooo damn I lost my password so I'm posting anonymos but this is Gastr El Smote |
wayne petrosko
| Posted on Thursday, June 13, 2002 - 02:38 pm: | |
Small Hall Equipment
wayne petrosko
| Posted on Thursday, June 13, 2002 - 02:42 pm: | |
just playin' 'round.
Michael Kaus
| Posted on Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - 08:14 pm: | |
Geez-you win! |
Ken Cantrell
| Posted on Saturday, July 06, 2002 - 12:32 pm: | |
Hi, everyone. My name is Ken, and I must say that I'm a Music Man amp freak. I play guitar in a band and record as well. Spent years trying to get "the sound" from various anps i bought. Fell into a 110RD50 by chance in Tucson. This young guy had a free ad. Went to his place downtown to check it out. It had lost the original grill cloth and footswitch, but I plugged in his strat and tried it out. With the distortion volume on '3', it went into feedback heaven. He had to sell it because he needed a Marshall half-stack to keep up with his band. Poor guy. I acted indifferent and wound up paying ~$150 for it. Immediately took it to my favorite amp technician, John Markovich. He rigged up an old RP(phasor) footswitch and sold me an old OD green anvil case that it fit in perfectly. It had some old groove tube 6L6s(not Chinese) and I put a Mesa Boogie 12AX7 in it. The distortion tone is great: sort of a smooth, singing reverb'd tone with a little bit of 'honk' to it. Can also get exactly the same sound as Clapton had on "Talk to My Baby" on 461 Oceanfront Blvd. I call this amp "Little Blacky". My next Musicman is an 112RD50. Got this one from a guy who had bought it new when he was in the service. He basically kept it in the closet. It had some tube problems, and didn't sound right. Gave him ~$200 and took it to Markovich, who straightened it out. Have played it for years in a Country-rock band. Have an Electroharmonix 12AX7. Recently put in some Mesa Boogie 6L6s, but think it distorts a little too much on the clean channel with these. Would run an extension, (1) 12", cabinet when playing to spread the sound around. Noticed that the ext. cab. had a brighter sound. Was using the bright switch when playing, but still seemed to be losing top end, yet the other speaker was cutting way too much. Purchased a couple of Eminence Legend GB128s and put them in both amp and cab. Took some getting used to, because they were so much brighter. No longer use the bright switch, and when playing with my Telecaster(Hecho in Mexico) get a fabulous "twangadelic" sound. Also use an Ibanez TS-9 tubescreamer for clean lead boosts and double distortion for over the top solos. I love this amp! Whenever I play another amp, I wind up trying to dial in the same sound I already have. Some of the new Fenders have a better clean tone, but I still pick this one for overall best sound at gigs. My last amp is and 112RP100. This one has a phasor instead of a distorion channel. It has a midrange tone knob that the RD50s don't have. It definitely has a better clean tone. Bought in Tucson from a older religious man who could no longer carry it to church events. This one is in pristine condition, with the original Sylvania 6L6s! I use it mainly for clean strat-tone recording. Have also had an 112HD100 and another 112RD50, but let them go, as they didn't have as good as sound as what I have. I have owned many amps: Fender, Carvin, Peavy, Matchless, and Marshall. None of them gave me what I wanted. Sure am happy now! }}} |
Marc Mulay
| Posted on Thursday, August 08, 2002 - 03:38 pm: | |
I have NEVER seen another MM amp like mine, except its twin (which I WISH I'd bought also), from an old Penn State ('79) bud I've lost contact with (Steve Christensen are you out there? :-) MusicMan HD210 One*Fifty [SN# B012478] Paid him a mere $300 and got the MM AND a phenomenal vintage Chandler Real Tube Driver (...Eric Johnson...David Gilmour). ata/Chandler/Tube_Driver-01.html Had her recapped and installed a matched quad of Svetlana 6L6GC's. I took the unusual step of "painting" the black Tolex with the leftover Shellac I'd tinted Sandlewood and used to 6-coat my '59 Bassman. The MM's handle and corners are now deep navy blue and I painted the two MM plates on the grillcloth gold; looks better with the amp's new, lighter color. I maintain two amps; one with power-to-spare in the realm of clean tone (the HD210), the other to luxuriate in pure tone xanadu ('59 Bassman 5F6-A RI)**. It may confuse the purist, but as despicable as most of us have found DSP via all-in-one pedal boards, I've come to learn that with the proper attention to; 1.] Chops, attitude and persistent dedication to work through a new growth process EVERY time you temporarily "rut out" (we all do). 2.] Choice of guitars, cables, connections. Quality. Quality. Quality. 3.] The QUALITYamp(s) in your rig 4.] HOW you tweak your EQ in any software [Pedal Boards? KILL THE TREBLE! They can drive your sound to mosquito toyville otherwise] If you want thick, fat, creamy browntone, go in and TWEAK! Technological innovation isn't bad, misuse of it can be HORRIBLE! 5.] NEVER use ANY form of DIGITAL distortion! GO A-N-A-L-O-G [TUBE] ALL THE WAY. ALWAYS BYPASS / CIRCUMVENT any DIGITAL DISTORTION via an EFFECTS LOOP to ANALOG BOX. Why? Even ordered, musical, chimy fundamental, overtones and harmonics ---> a.)TUBE CHOICES MATTER! GET YOUR HANDS ON EVERYTHING YOU CAN READ AND SNAP UP WHAT YOU NEED; b.)PREAMP = MULLARDS, TELEFUNKEN, POWER=SVETLANAS "GROOVE TUBES" ARE SOVTEK CRAP. WAKE UP! 6.] IF YOU LOVE THE EMOTIONAL POWER ONE EQUISITELY CHOSEN AND HELD BENT NOTE CAN DELIVER WITH SUSTAIN[THINK CARLOS], INVEST IN AN EXCELLENT COMPRESSOR AND PUT IT 1ST IN YOUR SIGNAL CHAIN. OK- Enough yelling, I'm truly sorry. Those ARE truths I've discovered over decades of playing, but they mean little to anyone having them jammed down their throat, ...I know.... I'm just having fun. My Guitars; 1991 Gibson Les Paul Custom ('68 RI) ...$600 in a pawn shop. INCREDIBLE 1986 Gibson ES-335 Dot ('60 RI) 1985 Fender Strat ('62 RI) modified w/ Seymour Duncan Pups. n4/ 1978 Ovation A/E Home Studio Signal Chain: PreSonus "BlueMax" Compressor ZOOM GFX-8 (All self-designed patches) les/zoom.htm and 8_info.htm Chandler Real Tube Driver w/ Telefunken ECC83 (12AX7) in Zoom's Effects Loop Alesis Quadraverb set to one low-key custom patch Direct Box Carvin 16CH SM16 Mixing Board w/ alesis Nanoverb in its effects loop (set to "plate 2") Tascam 788 Digital Studio w/ TEAC CD Burner **[Fender Bassman '59 reissue; I actually lowered the output wattage from 45 RMS to 35-40? in exchange for tonal purity (replaced the modern stock SS Rectifier w/ a N.O.S. Mullard GZ34 and replaced the 3 Sovtek "Groove Tubes" it comes with, with N.O.S. Mullard ECC83's...except the first stage gain tube, that's lower 30% gain, like the the beloved originals came ; (a GE 'Cryogenic' 12AY7). Power tubes? New matched Svetlana's (6l6GC's), they're tonally excellent and as good as any expensive N.O.S. out there.] Also, I took the Weber route and reversed the leads to each of the speakers so the amp PUSHES air OUT! May the Channeling Gods of Tone, Timing and Tune go with you 'Bro's! Marc Dana Point, CA 92629
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 09:26 pm: | |
Well finally got the time to post these pix's for you. These amps were purchased withing the last couple months for my son who is staring a band.(wish i'd had somethiing like this when i was in school some 25 years ago) I aquired the 65RD from an elderly gentleman that ownes the music shop down the street. He wasn't even aware there was an overdrive channel on the amplifier. Finding this site allowed me to first wire a footswitch (homemade) for both the reverb and overdrive and than lead me in the right direction for the purchase of a fender footswitch (THANKS!) After looking through the web site and doing some research i hit e-bay and the result is the 212HD pictured on the bottom (400.00). Much to my supprise several thing came in the shipment, first the amp was loaded with a quad of Sylvania 6CA7's (WOW) and second the original owners manual. Run both amps on low for practice (save the tubes!!!!!) and are feeding them with a digitech RP200 which has a stereo output. As you can see neither amp has original MM speakers, the 65RD is loaded with a marshall and the 212HD seems the sport EV. Great amps and will NEVER sell, trade, trash, or other wise part with them. Thanks for the web site and keep up the good work. \image |
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 09:30 pm: | |
\image |
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 09:57 pm: | |
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 10:02 pm: | |
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 10:04 pm: | |
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 10:05 pm: | |
Glenn VanKannel
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2002 - 10:07 pm: | |
Wayne Petrosko
| Posted on Tuesday, August 13, 2002 - 03:50 pm: | |
Nice find Glenn, i agree, i'll have mine buried beside me or pass them down to the childs children. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 22, 2002 - 03:49 am: | |
hey Wayne!! what model is yours? it's looks like two HD 150's? am i right? - ced |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 11:52 pm: | |
ok, i know you guys are going to hate this, but here it is. i used it on tour wiht my band in the 80's, Camper Van Beethoven, and in various subsequent studio and live ensembles. I went back to my Fender deluxe for the past 5 years or so, but i'm headed out on tour with a revived CVB this month and this old amp is coming out of retirement. I realize it needs an overhaul, but that will have to wait until march...
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 12:53 am: | |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 06:16 pm: | |
Steve, Great website,heaps of info for Music Man amp fans.I am from Australia and purchased my Music Man back amp as new/old stock in 1985. 18 years and around 300 gigs later it is still going strong with only regular servicing. It is a 112 HD one fifty watt with the original pinwhale tolex.Chassis : 2275-150 AX date of manufacture is 5/83.I am a big fan of the pinwhale tolex option and have managed to keep it in good condition with an occasional clean.I have never heard it referred to as pinwhale,i remember seeing a Music Man advert in a magazine in the 80's where it was referred to as the 'cottontail' option.I have only ever seen two other pinwhale Music Mans in Australia,a 2-12 model and an 110 RD 50 watt,sounds like there may still be a few floating around in the USA.Music Man amps are a little misunderstood in Australia,the 'valve' Fender/Marshall/boutique amp brigade turn their nose up when they hear the word transistor or hybrid amp. A Music Man will give you a good/fat clean sound, let your pedals do the rest! Put an extension cab with your combo and really start turning some heads. Cheers,Mario |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 02:33 pm: | |
To Jonathan: These pictures are borderline "Hall of Shame" material but are cool nonetheless! Thanks for posting them! To Mario: You got that right! There is nothing wrong with letting outboard effects devices provide your tonal modification as long as the underlying clean tone is great to start with! I have a Marshall JCM800 50watt 2-12 combo I bought new in the early '80s that I really like for the more "heavy-metal" crunch tones, but it is really "flabby" when played clean and all of my Music Man amps will blow it out of the water for clean tone! The Marshall ALWAYS sounds like a Marshall and imposes its own character on everything, while the Music Man amps are just "killer-neutral".
| Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 07:42 am: | |
hello hello from another aussie fan, carl from melbourne. about 4 years ago i got my hands ona 210HD130 (in script)with the the preamp valve in the metal sheild. i still have not heard an amp that sounds this good - my friends with vintage fenders and marshalls cant beleive the sound either. its even got the tag on the master volume - but i really want the manual!!!!anyone???? anyway i got it through Merv and James Cargill (australias leading custom guitar makers) who originally sold the thing in the seventies - im the second owner. Its in the best condition i have seen one in victoria. usually there seen here used in indy bands - and the john spencer blues explosion used a 4 10" when they came out! so yeah their pretty rare downunder i would say. I use a cargill custom strat and a 67 es125, a vox and a screamer. i also have a 212RD ext cab with the port along the bottom. why did some have the port along the top? anyway, i love it, i love the tone. Hear it on download "tree song" ciao guys, Carl the aussie MM fan. shout out to mario - gday mate! pics below - hopefully! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 16, 2003 - 07:47 am: | |
} |
| Posted on Friday, January 17, 2003 - 12:32 pm: | |
Hi..heres a pic of my MM stuff
| Posted on Friday, March 14, 2003 - 10:53 am: | |
I first heard about MM when I was living in Emporia, KS 1975 through 79. My friend Russell Marks bought a music man 65 head and played it thorugh through an Ampeg SVT bottom with eight 10-inch Altecs. This thing rocked. He then had a 212HD which also had the best crunch I had head to that point. Two years ago I found a Music Man 65 head paired with a slant front Marshall bottom with four 10-inch speakers and this thing friggin rocks the house down and gives me a great clean sound as well. Yesterday I found a 210HD-130 and Holy Sh*t Batman...this thing nearly brought the house down when I plugged it in. I would have preferred the 212-HD since the 130 is so much power, but it allows be to rock at low volumes now too! By the way I also bought yesterday a 1974 Fender twin reverb with pull out switch and this has a pair of Altec speakers as well. I still have all three systems with three distinct sounds. Music Man Rocks! Rich Johnson Long island, NY |
| Posted on Sunday, March 16, 2003 - 06:16 am: | |
I should add I am playing a 1977 Les Paul Deluxe with single coli humbuckers. I had the rear pickup removed in 1982 (so long ago) and replaced it with a split coil, double coil DiMarzio! The axe screams for no mercy. I also play a 1974 Fender Tele Keith Richards model with double coil humbuckers in the front pickup! Still though the Les paul has to be the main axe in this MM set up |
Matt Thurston
| Posted on Thursday, March 27, 2003 - 11:22 am: | |
I just recieved my 65 Head last night. Plugged it into an Avatar 4x12 cab with Eminence M12s and was blown away. I'm sure the other people in my aparment complex were too. I can't wait to get this amp over to our practice space. I'm running and Les Paul Junior(P100 ver) -> Boss TU-2 -> Turbo Rat(This may change soon) -> Guyatone MD3 -> EH Holy Grail Reverb(this thing is amazing). Once I get used to keeping the amp right on the edge of breaking up I'll be extrememly happy. This is replaceing a Roland JC-90, love the amp, but I can't keep up with the drummer with it. |
Wayne Petrosko
| Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 08:31 am: | |
Have you seen me ??? there are no milk cartons for musicman amps so I posted the original box and was wondering where my first HD130 reverb ended up after I traded it in for a 65 reverb head. \image box side
Wayne Petrosko
| Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 08:43 am: | |
ok i'll try this again...
Wayne Petrosko
| Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 09:05 am: | |
one more time |
Wayne Petrosko
| Posted on Friday, May 16, 2003 - 09:15 am: | |
to whoever has the amp that belongs in this box, please email me !!!! I'd just like to know where it now lives. It was just too powerfull. that's why i went with the 65 reverb because it had the lower power setting... but if you would want to sell it...!!!
| Posted on Sunday, August 31, 2003 - 02:44 pm: | |
I want to brag about my MM RD 112-50, which I just have re-discovered. Bought it in the mid-80s for my SG, cause that guitar sounded real great in this amp: bright, aggressive and nasty. I seldom used any pedals, and never the clean channel cause it was too "dry". However, recently I bought a Strat, which didn´t sound so well in the gain channel so I bought a Boss Overdrive 3 and played the Strat in the clean channel. Suddenly the amp started to sound like an old Fender Bassman: clean, bright but with a nice metallic bite and a smooth sustain. When I switched over and runned the OD3 in the gain channel and sat the gain at 3-4 I suddenly discovered a familiar sound: it was close to that bright and nasty dist-sound I had in a Fender Twin Reverb in the late 70s. Well, then I tried a RAT-pedal too, and in the clean channel, with quite low treble it sounded like that 30w Marshall I sometimes played in the beginning of the 80s - but never bought cause it was too dark for my tastes. So now, with some pedals, I can model four type of amps: a Fender Bassman, a Fender Twin, a Marshall, and off course a Music Man RD. So this solution with a tube powered gain channel and a totally clean solid state preamp was a great fit for the overdive and dist pedals...many of them invented so many years later. |
Kenneth Friis
| Posted on Wednesday, September 03, 2003 - 05:37 pm: | |
My musicman 212 65, I like it very much, eventhough it has the incorrect grillcloth
| Posted on Saturday, December 13, 2003 - 12:13 pm: | |
I think this is a great site. I have a music man hd 212-HD 130 with JBL speakers in it and the original speakers in a separate cabinet. I bought the amp new in the 70's because I thought it sounded so much better than a twin reverb which is what I was going to buy. I've had it ever since and the only maintenance it's ever required was a new set of power tubes. In my opinion it was one of the best amps ever made. I wouldn't ever think about selling it and if you can find one it. Mine is on right now! Rock On!!!!! |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 03:25 am: | |
It is really great to see people using this area! I think we all have some sort of unique story associated with how we arrived at Music Man for our amplifier needs! I know I haven't been posting much recently, but I'd like to thank everyone for participating and hope the new year will bring even more of the same! Happy 2004 everyone! I thought I'd get that in early while I was here!
Ken Morgan
| Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2004 - 10:40 am: | |
Current lineup: -RD50-110 with original speaker (reconed) -RD100 in an RP65 box, Weber Cali 12 speaker -SixtyFive Reverb head, all original -(2) RH212 cabs Eminence loaded
Mike Dudley
| Posted on Monday, January 19, 2004 - 01:08 pm: | |
I'm new to these amps but I'm hooked already ! I have a 212 sixtyfive and it's a great amp. I'm selling my JCM 900 100 watt 212 combo because I just bought a 410 130 HD. Hope I didn't go wrong! |
Nathanial Hendler
| Posted on Friday, January 23, 2004 - 03:01 pm: | |
I'd been looking for a backup amp for a while, something to keep at home to play on and use in case my main amp failed. I played this MM 212 130 for a little while at a guitar store in town, loved the sound, went home and did some research and went right back and bought it. I honestly thought from the condition it's in that it was only 5 or 6 years old. I had no idea it was 28 years old... av=cal&year=2004&month=01&day=23 Anyway, I'm definately into this amp. I'm glad I had some patience and didn't settle for something else |
Dan Vehling
| Posted on Friday, January 23, 2004 - 04:09 pm: | |
I've got an HD130 Reverb head that I use almost daily, for practice and rehersals as well as gigging. It's an older model with the 12AX7 as well as the 4 power tubes (which are now Mesa-Boogie). I run a Fender Strat through it with no effects, and use a custom-built 2x12 Eminence-loaded cab. (I play in a boogie/blues and southern rock band.) Best thing I've ever bought! I found it in very, very good condition in a little music store for $300. |
| Posted on Monday, January 26, 2004 - 03:15 am: | |
As an experiment, I just did a gig with an RD50-112 and a RD50-110 side by side with a stereo effects pedal. Beautiful sound! Perfect fusion tones and sweet warm jazz tones. Also very loud if needed. |
| Posted on Thursday, March 11, 2004 - 11:28 pm: | |
Hi all. I went to Indiana's largest& best Vintage music store to look for an amp. This place is full of vintaqe gear.So I start looking at the fender amps, which is what I went there to get. And among them are these Music Man amps. And the sales guy there told me the history behind them and that's why they were there.I had heard of them and only seen them only one other time at a Blue Oyster Cult concert in the late 70's. He told me if I wanted a fender to at least try one out. So I played through Fenders and Music Mans, and went there planning on spending 1000.00 and spent 350.00 on a RP-65 112 mfd. 9/11/81. It was what I wanted in a amp. So after playing it for 6 months I decided to fix the reverb. It was weak, but not to the point it was a proublem. So I found out on here what tank it took from Lastnotejonny and went back to the music store to order a tank. And he just had one in stock, and while I was at it I decided to put in new tubes and change out the 1 12 for 2 10's. So I got 2 new eminence 10's and new 6L6GC Ruby Tubes ( he said it would make it sparkle). So I took out the Speaker Board and cut 7/8 ply wood and a yard stick to shape ( the yard stick on top of the board holds the grill cloth out. I took the old grill cloth off and reinstalled it on the new board and put it all together. And it looks just as it did before I started. I plugged in my tele and man what a difference.Crisp, and almost a ringing harmonic clear tone with punch. I wired the 8 ohm speakers one in the main side , and the other in the external plug with the ohm switch on 4 ohms. That way I can just unplug the external speaker and run a 2x12 cabint if I need more punch.I have been playing for 33 years and this amp is just mind blowing. A Danelectro pastrami overdrive pedal really gives it some bite also.So with all the mods I have around 450.00 in it and I am happy with what I ended up with. To think I went there to buy a fender twin for a grand .Keep on keeping on.......... |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 12:43 am: | |
Old rig) 95' mex strat->marshal compressor->blues breaker2->stereo delay of some form->2 ABY spliters->Peavey classic 50 212 w/ 4EL84's ->short & long channels of HD-130 with PI ->long channel of 2nd HD-130 w/ PI One HD to peavey close back 112 sheffield cab other HD to closed back crate VC212E cab w/ factory speakers. Car failure=bye,bye rig. New rig) 95 mex strat with EMG neck, Original bridge pickup in middle position, Duncan Parallel axis trembucker in the bridge position------> Either or both TDK Thomas cry baby,Reissue Vox Clyde McCoy->Blues Breaker2->Ts9 Turbo->Ross Distortion->Willis King Tone Fuzz Germanium->front end of Peavey DeltaBLues 210 with one Weber VST ceramic and one factory issue, and a Crate VC212E with one speaker replaced with a late 6o's CTS ceramic. Effects loop send->Korg dynamic echo->boss DD-5 w/momentary foot switch for tap tempo->Both outputs to ABY->mono to original EH-1317 Clone Theory-> effect return. Next week I pick up a MM 112 65W combo with PI. I am not sure how I will route every thing yet but I am very exited. Anyone have a grey Ross compressor they would like to donate to the cause |
Steve Pederson
| Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 07:15 pm: | |
Okay guys, now it's my turn to try this. \image |
Steve Pederson
| Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 07:20 pm: | |
Okay guys, now it's my turn to try this - again.
Steve Pederson
| Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 07:29 pm: | |
Okay guys, now it's my turn to try this - last try before I give up.
Steve Pederson
| Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 07:38 pm: | |
Gadzooks!! Okay, that's the HD75 and RH115 that sit at home as my home practice set up. Bought them new in 81 or 82. Price sticker on the back of the HD75 is $495. Sure hope I didn't pay that much! Next up is the stack I use for band practice - I play bass - and gigs. I use 2 HD130's, an RH118, and a Hartke 210TP. I have seen a few MM RH210's go by on eBay and I will probably pick one up just to complete the set.
Steve Pederson
| Posted on Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - 07:42 pm: | |
Here's a picture of the RH118 by itself. Love it!
c@rlos from melbourne
| Posted on Monday, May 24, 2004 - 04:40 am: | |
wow i wish i had one of these |
Dan Vehling
| Posted on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 03:20 pm: | |
I've been using my HD-130 Reverb head (an older one with the 12AX7) constantly for over a year now, for countless gigs and rehersals, and have had NO problems at all. Tone is terrific (I run it through a 2x12 Marshall cab now) and it stands up to road trips very well! It was used in the studio for our band's new CD and sounded excellent. I hope it lasts another 30 years! |
James Sink
| Posted on Sunday, July 04, 2004 - 02:48 pm: | |
I bought my Music Man 210 HD130 in 1977 and made a huge mistake when buying it, not the amp, but I bought it for recording and for it to come alive, I need to set the volume 3 or more, and what does to the neighbors? 130wats rms? this amp will break glass! Can I remove some of the output tubes to get that great tube sound and yet it not be so darn loud? never been gigged either, but the music man picture logo is lost...Jim |
Michael Kaus
| Posted on Monday, July 05, 2004 - 07:51 am: | |
You can use the low power setting and that will tame it down somw. Is it the 12ax7 model or the SS driver version? |
James Sink
| Posted on Monday, July 05, 2004 - 04:32 pm: | |
Its a 12ax7 preamped model... older one...yea, I do run it on the lower power setting... Also im looking to re-tube it and re-speaker it to make it a bit brighter, what are some suggestions on the 210 HD130? I am now running a speaker cab to a 12 inch Fender speaker... thanks |
| Posted on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 09:40 pm: | |
This forum is great! Thanks Steve. I've had an HD210 130 for about 4 years now, it doesn't have the 12AX7, but does have 6CA7s instead of 6L6s in it. So I'm assuming it's about a '77. It used to be the hire amp at a local PA hire shop, so it hasn't had an easy life. But it is the most rock solid reliable amp I've ever owned. Over the years I kept getting frustrated with the sound, it was a little bit lifeless. This was noticeable when I would buy new guitars, I would play in the shop and they would sound great, but when I got home and put them through the MM, it just wasn't as good. Some nights on stage, the planets would align and it would be great, others it just sounded flat. So I was thinking about getting a new amp and started looking around. Then I thought to myself, "this is crazy, people love these amps, maybe mine just needs reconditioning", so I started doing some research and ended up here. As soon as I started reading, I realised something. I have never changed the tubes in it. DUH.. Stupid me. I never thought about it because the other amps I've owned would make rude noises when they wanted their tubes changed, because this one just keeps on trucking I've never thought about it. So, the other night I sat down and pulled one of the tubes out. It's a Sylvania 6CA7. These amps shipped with Sylvania tubes, and since then they are almost impossible to get hold of (something I've learnt digging though the archives here). I may be playing through 27 year old tubes! No wonder I wasn't happy. Have a set of matched Svetlana EL34s on the way, should be here any minute. I'll post the results in a day or two. Anyway, just wanted to share my story (thought you might enjoy) and say thanks to Steve for providing a great resource. I've learnt a lot about my amp by reading all the archived posts here. Damian (Another Aussie)
Michael MacLeod
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 04:08 am: | |
This is my rig - a HD-130 (B002886) driving an Avatar 4x12 cab with 2 Celestion H30s and 2 Celestion V30s. On the floor are a Fulltone Clyde wah, a Fulltone Choralflange, a Voodoo Labs Microvibe, and a Digitech Whammy. I also have a Tonebone Classic, which sounds killer with everything else, but actually sucks tone from the MM. The guitars are a 61 reissue SG with a Bigsby vibrato I installed, a Jay Turser Hawk 12 string, and a killer Korean Strat with a beautiful maple neck and really frine pickups. With the Strat and the Clyde and the Microvibe I can absolutely nail "Bridge of Sighs" and most other Strat anthems like Voodoo Chile, and the SG screams like Maria Callas through the HD130. Fulltone pedals really bring out the best in the MM and I encourage you to try a Clyde out through yours - it's tone heaven. I have played for 35 years and can afford these toys, and this is by GFAR the best sounding rig I have ever had, and louder than my friend's 100 watt TSL 100 Marshall. If you want a raging over the top Strat sound, this is IT. |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 08:30 pm: | |
Nice set-up! I'll bet this wails (and loudly when necessary!)! Steve
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 06:38 am: | |
Thought I'd show you guys my amp. I use a Les Paul, ES-335, Telecaster and a Frankenstein Les Paul Junior style guitar. Effects used are a Boss-gt6 or just a plain old Ibanez TS-9 with a Teese RMC wah. Love this site, it's great to see I'm not the only MM amp lover around. I remember the first gig I played with my MM, we had just set up and this guy came up to me and said, "MM amps are not much good, too many transistors." I had a chuckle, played the gig and remember seeing him watching with a suprised look on his face, man it sounded good. Cheers Rich |
| Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 02:47 am: | |
Some Music Man amps here .html |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 06:27 pm: | |
Cool links! That's one clean amp you have there! Steve
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 11:25 pm: | |
I just fell in to a Music Man 210 HD 150. I stole it - call 911! What a true monster. Unbelievable sound out of this rather small amp indeed. I have several other amps, 2 Marshalls, a 1974 Fender Twin 100W with 2X12 JBLs, as well as some really hot Crates - an 80W hybrid with 2X10s, and another all-tube Crate Turbo-Valve TV60 with 2X10 Celestions. But this little MM is probably the hottest I've seen in such a small package. And the sound with my Les Paul Custom, or the Super Strat is really great. If you are tracking us MM musicians/owners/fans, add me to the list. I'd love to determine what year, etc,, it was made. I believe it is a ~1980 or so. The following info: Chassis 2275-150 s/n B011862 Sold in Dallas Texas.
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 11:30 pm: | |
I just fell in to a Music Man 210 HD 150. I stole it - call 911! What a true monster. Unbelievable sound out of this rather small amp indeed. I have several other amps, 2 Marshalls, a 1974 Fender Twin 100W with 2X12 JBLs, as well as some really hot Crates - an 80W hybrid with 2X10s, and another all-tube Crate Turbo-Valve TV60 with 2X10 Celestions. But this little MM is probably the hottest I've seen in such a small package. And the sound with my Les Paul Custom, or the Super Strat is really great. If you are tracking us MM musicians/owners/fans, add me to the list. I'd love to determine what year, etc,, it was made. I believe it is a ~1980 or so. The following info: Chassis 2275-150 s/n B011862 Sold in Dallas Texas.
| Posted on Friday, January 21, 2005 - 08:02 pm: | |
| Posted on Friday, January 21, 2005 - 08:09 pm: | |
| Posted on Friday, January 21, 2005 - 08:25 pm: | |
| Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 07:18 pm: | |
shrink th ephoto down and save it at medium quality needs to be under 100k |
Andrew Duggan
| Posted on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 04:15 pm: | |
I just got a MM 210 65 yesterday, after not having a Music Man for almost a year (my 65 head's transformer ate shit & the repair shop can't find a replacement. If anybody knows where to find one, or has an extra, PLEASE email me!!) It's the early model with the 12ax7. God damn. Just god damn. I forgot how amazing these things sound. And to think I nearly paid twice as much for a Twin Reverb instead. I dunno, just wanted to gloat in a forum with folks who might apreciate it  |
michael kaus
| Posted on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 05:34 pm: | |
Transformers are available from mojotone. Check out the post on transformer board(or send it to me!) I'd like a 65 head! MIke. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 08:08 pm: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 08:12 pm: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 09:58 pm: | |
My 212 HD-150 with Dillion Brian May and Cort Hiram Bullock guitars. I love my Music Man amplifier!
Dun, dun, dun, nuh, nuh... |
Stephen S
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 11:35 am: | |
Hey tclodes, how good is that Dillion guitar? I've been researching guitars lately and am looking for a quality guitar but don't want to pay the mega bucks for a American Fender, Gibson, or PRS. Dillion looks real good but I have no way of testing one out. I figure feedback from someone who owns one my help. (other than harmony central of course) |
Stephen S
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 11:37 am: | |
Hey tclodes, how good is that Dillion guitar? I've been researching guitars lately and am looking for a quality guitar but don't want to pay the mega bucks for a American Fender, Gibson, or PRS. Dillion looks real good but I have no way of testing one out. I figure feedback from someone who owns one my help. (other than harmony central of course) |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 12:40 pm: | |
Stephen S, I'm very happy with the Brian May model. For the money, it's a great value. I paid $400 for mine, and when you consider that Burns Tri-Sonic pickups are worth $300, it's an amazing value. Good, solid, quality construction throughout. Also, the customer service is fantastic. I emailed the company, asking for help figuring out the pickup configuration (the switches confuse me) and Mr. Dillion himself emailed me back the same day. He was very gracious and helpful. I think this artist testimonial page is compelling. Check out what Tracii Guns had to say. When it comes to buying gear, I prefer substance over style. I care about quality and value more than trends. As a Music Man owner, I suspect you view gear similarly. Having said all that, I think you might appreciate one of these quality instruments. The PRS style models look pretty sweet. |
carl aus
| Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 08:02 pm: | |
t., you should look at building a brian may tone booster , you can get all the info at general guitar gadgets.comb and they are piss easy to make. |
| Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 09:10 am: | |
carl aus I'd like to, but I don't have the space, the time, or the skills. Maybe in the future, when I have a proper work area. Thanks for the sugggestion. |
Carl aus
| Posted on Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 10:05 pm: | |
hehe, sweet dude, i dont have the space on my pedal board either! |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 02, 2005 - 11:42 pm: | |
Mr. Markovich, We have been trying to reach you via the internet for a few days. A gentleman named Mike referred us to you last week when we called Rainbow Guitars and they told us you were the very best Marshall Technicial for hundreds of miles. My son has a new Marshall amp ( MAR DSL401 BSTK - Marshall DSL401 JCM2000 40 wt 1 x 12 Gtr Amp B Stk - which he purchased on Feb. 13, 2005 and received one week later. The unit stopped working three days later. We have been calling the distributor and the manufacturer for about two weeks to see what we can do about it. THEY HAVE BEEN NO HELP TO SAY THE LEAST! YOU ARE THE ANSWER!!!! Rainbow Guitars recommended you as this amp is definately under warranty - as the best person to repair it for us. He said you are so very busy that we should go on this web site to make an appointment for the repair. We will be coming from Yuma, it is about a 3.5 hour drive. We are hoping you will make time for us to take a look at the amp and let us know while we are there - how long the repair will take............What we are really hoping..... is that you could possibly take a look at it when we get there and fix it!!!!! Mr. Markovich, My son Trevor, (quite a talented musician, (of course in my eyes) knows that he may have to wait for this repair...seems ridiculous to me that the manufacturer can't replace it... none in stock! So.. we are at your perogitive! He will be in your shop sometime Friday, March 3-6-2005 or Saturday. He and I certainly hope you will be willing to help us. He lives for his music as I do!!!! It is a long drive from Yuma!!!!! Music is the best thing in any of our lives. When you have to wait it is very painful!!!!!!! My best to you, Frances E. Sevy, (Trevor J. Smaltz) THE MOM!!!!!!!!!!! Please call us at home - 1-928-783-8564 or at work 1-760-352-5652 Can you help us save a little money? If you look at the amp this weekend and fix it - your considerate work will save me a lot of money. I don't own a car that will go out of town! So.... please help me if you can. Thanks, ahead of time - and we certainly understand if you can't help us! Please email me -
Esteban's roadie
| Posted on Friday, March 04, 2005 - 08:19 pm: | |
I certainly hope that young master Trevor is back and rocking again soon. In the mean time ma'am, might I suggest you relax and listen to some Esteban or something. |
Steve Kennedy (admin)
| Posted on Sunday, March 06, 2005 - 06:16 pm: | |
That has got to be the most off-topic post I have ever seen here! Wrong person, wrong make of amplifier, wrong topic, etc. I do hope they find what they are looking for. I just don't think they will find it (or him) here! Steve
Dave Dougherty
| Posted on Monday, April 11, 2005 - 03:52 pm: | |
It's great to find a Music Man site! I bought a new 212-65 back in 77-78 and it still sounds awesome. Nothing else like it. A Clapton Strat throught this baby is the best. A Les Paul does no harm either. Very versatile amp with great dynamics. It simply does it all. Good to see so many other loyal fans. We're all here for one reason...the sound. Amen brother. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 11:51 am: | |
Hello, Just got a Music Man HD130 2 x 12 inch cabinet in with the bass reflex port . This will match my HD130 head (4 x El34 + ECC83). both have white logos. The cab has 75 replacement celestion speakers which are blown , does anybody know which speakers are originally in there ? I read Alnico 12 inch , but which ones and where could you look for these ? are they any good ? When does the HD130 cab has EVM 12L ? speakers and do they have 8 mounting screws ? Are these cabinets good to use (Tone ) ? Or do tou prefer 4 x 12 s by Marshall or others ? btw , i also wonder how they made these logo plates , it looks like high tech engineering to me , very detailed ! |
| Posted on Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 02:03 am: | |
wow, this is the first time i have ever seen anything about music man amps, ive been a mm user since i started playing. i use a 212 reverb combo and a 112 r/d combo with a strat, i also have a few 65 heads that i use 210 cabinets with and original cables in the backs. theres stuff that i still cant see its all piled together in my garage. i know theres a couple guitars. these amps are great, especially with a strat or tele, especially on a vintage axe. id recomend them to everyone. once i get them all together ill take some good pictures and show them to you guys, email me for more information, but nothings for sale... |
Cody Reynolds
| Posted on Monday, October 03, 2005 - 01:54 am: | |
Hey everyone, was hoping you all could maybe give me some information on my music man amplifier that I just inherited from my father. I have a 212 Hd 130. the chasis #is 2475-130 the serial # is C003789. I have a STAGE PA 740P PA SYSTEM as well. I was kind of wondering about what they were worth since i dont play. They are both in good shape and work. Both havent had more than 50 hours on them. sure would like some input! thanks everyone |
Ray Whitley
| Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 12:45 pm: | |
Just Bought a 150-2-12 EV white amp from Jim Seales founder and lead player of Shenandoah who got it from David Woods steal player for Laurie Morgan who got it from Randy Owens of Alabama. Jim used it since 1992 on all Shenandoah's #1's and tours. Jim typed out a history and signed it for me. Only let 'er go because of the weight. Still works great. He's looking for a 65-2-10 if anyone has on @ reasonable $. I still like my 130-1-15 EV with strats and teles. Thought I'd post this for brag rights. Ray Whitley-Muscle Shoals, Alabama |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 07:36 am: | |
chuck a pic on, not enough white MM's pictured. |
| Posted on Friday, November 25, 2005 - 05:23 pm: | |
Hi, Just got my first MM amp. I remember when they first were available in the mid 70's. I had no interest then because I a had a Fender Twin. So, fast forward thirty years laster and I recenly did a complete cap job, new tubes and speakers for a friends' 210-65. The amp now sounds amazing!I have just found an early 212-65 with all the orginal parts, tubes, caps and speakers. I repair amps and guitars, so, I just repcaped the MM. I used the same stock values (using Sprague Atoms)with exception of the 20mf@475v which are now available in 500v. I also replaced all the mallory .047's with .047 sozo caps. In addition, I changed out the original tubes. The Sylvania's EL34's still sound great, but the syl 12AX7 was a bit weak. I changed out the EL34's with "Winged C" brand and the 12AX7 with a GT 12AX7M. The orginal speakers will be replaced with Weber California's (I have a set of cali's in my twin, hooked up to the MM..amazing tone!)Bottom line is the MM are great amps at an incredible price. |
B Bak
| Posted on Monday, November 28, 2005 - 07:59 am: | |
I have a Music Man 212 HD 150 for sale. Everything works. Cabinet in good condition. Small abrasion on screen. Located in Western North Carolina near Asheville. $400 obo. Do not want to ship but may be able to deliver. Reach me at |
| Posted on Monday, February 06, 2006 - 01:31 am: | |
What a great site! Thanks, Steve! I am the proud and original owner of a 210-HD 130. Serial #B009253. I bought it new back in Minneapolis around 76-79. Any Minnesotans out there remember a store called Knute Koupe? They were the absolute best guitar and amp shop back in those days. I bought so much gear there. Anyway, I kinda remember that, at the time, I bought mine simply for it's size. I had been using a Fender Twin, but was impressed by the killer power and portability of the Music Man. And the thing STILL roars! While on the road with a cover band, I decided to take a chance and re-finish the exterior. And by taking a chance, I mean that I had NO IDEA what sort of wood was under the black tolex. But I stripped it off anyway. What did I find? The wood underneath was frickin beautiful. With tongue and groove sides, too. So, I sanded it down, cleand it up, used no stain by the way, then laquered it. To this day it still turns heads. Its a beautiful blonde! Quite honestly, I one day reached a point where I wasn't happy with her. I guess it coincided with my hopes for a career in music kinda stalling and crashing! Anyway, I put her in the attic for many years while I tried various solid state amps. Very recently, I got back in to music with a vengeance. A guitar buddy encouraged me to bring the 210 out to play. Well, I fell in love all over again. You know what I think happened? I had spent years not having the patience to learn to obtain good tones from this little gem. For most of my past playing days, I tended to rely way too heavily on stomp boxes. I used to be surrounded by pedals on stage! SURROUNDED! Only recently, I finally went back to wanting the pure sound of guitar & amp, no effects. And that's when I really took the time to re-acquaint myself with my 210. I have now found ways to get the most brilliant tones out of this lil amp! And that way is, for me at least, simply learning how to use the master volume settings with each channel's regular volume dials. Now I finally get that edgy Keith Richard's bite. Or just a touch of overdrive on my Strat for country rock or power pop. And the clean sound on this thing is still absolutely pure joy---at ANY VOLUME! And it has, at least to my ears, a Fender-like, glassy, perfect type of clean tone. Nowadays, I sometimes use an extension cab. I cannot tell you how jaw dropping that experience was for me, when I first tried an additional cab. A 4X12 created a fire breathing monster at my finger tips. But, y'all already know that these amps get loud enough to wake the dead. But add a 4X12, and I can play any frickin football stadium and be heard from by the cheap seats! Again, many thanks to Steve for the site here. I am so happy to join a world full of other happy Music Man owners! |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 02:05 am: | |
She's a little road weary, but still a great performer... dscn24245ny.jpg |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 08, 2006 - 06:25 pm: | |
hey guys long time reader, new poster.....i have a hd212 130 which i bought about 12 yrs ago for AUS $400 (i think) from a friends brother, funny story....the guy i got the amp from sold it as he was becoming a monk, oh well i got blessed in the process i havent really used the MM too much for gigs, mainly because I have not been a huge fan of pedals until now the amp is in for service and i am lookig around for an awesome distortion pedal, any recommendations?? im currenlty using Ibanez fat cat which sounds great, but I also want a less tranny sounding distortion. anyway lets see if the pic works, oh yeh, she a little hidden! [IMG] luepill/e4ecf14f.jpg[/IMG] |
| Posted on Friday, February 10, 2006 - 11:43 am: | |
Hey bluepill! Welcome to the forum, man. I too am a "newbie" here. Your post had no email link, but I have a pedal to recommend: the Marshall GV-2 Guv'nor Plus. I LOVE this thing with my MusicMan. My 210-HD gets that great "touch of overdrive" and cool 70's distortion, but I could never get that Marshall crunch. To kick it up to a more modern sound and tone, this pedal does the job for me. I stumbled upon this Marshall on eBay. I read the reviews and took a chance. Bought it without trying it, in other words. Anyway, I have dozens of pedals. This one is my fave. However, there are many other brands, so I would suggest hittin' the stores & giving them live auditions to find the one with the tone you like! Good luck! |
| Posted on Saturday, February 11, 2006 - 07:03 pm: | |
bluepill great score 2 12's are a little rare, more often you see 2 10's down under. i have two hd130 2 x 10's my self, with a 2 12 Rh box for one and a 1x15 for the other. i have found a few great pedals that work excellent with musicmans, first one is the tubescreamer, but you have to get one that has a good chip in it. a boss overdrive is the same circuit as a TS as is the maxon OD which are cheaper and have the right chip. Vox wahs or better all the way. for distortion i use a rat, but a fat cat is a rat copy so there is your distortion. for something a bit creamier try the tech21/sansamp double drive it is beautiful. I have tries all the other sansamp stuff and i hate the sound with musicmans, completely spoils the tone, same with any boss distortion besides the one mentioned. i have a zvex SHO but its piontless on a MM, big muffs sound huge too if you want that sound. Things like fulltone and jekyll and hyde etc are based on TS's. One thing always go ANALOG. hope this helps, carl. PS to here a TS and Vox in action listen to SRV. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 01:10 am: | |
hey guys thanks for the great pedal advice!! i am currently running 4 pedals - vox distortion booster, boss ps2, ibanez fat cat and 10 series ibanez eq on my Laney LC30 (MM in for its first service since 73 and i really am turning off too many pedals cause they suck soo much tone!! but alas no distortion on the MM amp gives me little options as like to use 2 overdrive sounds (rythem and lead) i think ill have to fork out for a good tube screamer, but first i wanna try the marshall gv-2...and yeh, analogue all the way!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 09:59 pm: | |
you dont have to fork out for a GOOD tunescreamer, for starters the maxon overdrive is a tube screamer, with a better chip, it AU$150. Also the 80's boss overdrive which is a TS with nicer clipping. second hand ts9's 10's 5's and 7' s are cheap. you have to get a JRC chip from an old vcr though. The sparkle drive is also based on the ts9 but sparklier. dont pay over $160 for a tube screamer or your getting ripped off. but yeah i would go the MAXON OD, 150 NEW EBAY. |
| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 01:17 pm: | |
poker casino poker 801 |
| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 08:05 pm: | |
poker casino poker 439 |
| Posted on Monday, March 06, 2006 - 08:08 pm: | |
poker casino poker 439 |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 03, 2006 - 12:42 am: | |
Here are some of the amps I have restored.
| Posted on Tuesday, May 09, 2006 - 06:54 pm: | |
This was the description in EBAY when I bought my MM210-65 serial # BN06050, 2-10's, 65 watts, no footswitch, small grill cloth repair area, sounds great, very good condition, sold as is. I had decided to get myself a better tube amp then the Fender Red Knob Champ 12 I have. I also have a Roland JC-77, mainly for its onboard chorus, however the sterile tone gets to you sometimes. When I began looking into the different brands it seems every tube amp is benchmarked against the twin. I looked into what the twin was all about and found what it was and then noticed going price was… ouch! This was the 60’s blackface twin. Anyway, I ran into Music Man while looking around for a Twin. Since there are so many tube amps out there with claims of sounding like the twin, I figured you need a blackface twin if that is tone a tube amp should be. I wanted a 212 since it could be mailed via USPS to me. All things are either flown in or barged into where I live, so shipping is a big issue here. I missed out on a MM 212-65 and so when this MM210 came around I bought it. Suffice to say it arrived in the mail safely, but I felt it needed maintenance since the tone wasn’t all that good to my ears. I surfed the net and ran into this great site and began to educate myself about the MM amps. Since I didn’t know its history, I figured it needs a recap job at the minimum. At first I wanted to recap it myself but thought it would be better to have a qualified technician do it and also so an overall systems check. I had been emailing Steve and asked him who he'd recommend and gave me Terry's name. I dropped a note to Terry to see if he could service it. I was happy he was able to and I packed the chassis in a fresh fish shipping box and mailed it to Terry. I got it back and it really does sound great. We settled on a pair of Mullards and Tung Sol 12AX7. I think it was the right choice. It funny how all sorts of 210-65's became available after I got this... but this one is mine down to its patched grill cloth. Although it’s compact it's heavy for its size. It still has the original speakers and they sound okay but may consider changing them out. But we'll see. I'm playing a EB/MM Albert Lee, '94 Patrick Eggle New York and '76 MM Sting Ray I through it. I'm finding I like the sound of MM Stingray the best. I'll be changing out the Eggle New York pickups and see if that will improve the tone to my taste. I think this is a great amp and I am very happy with it. Hmmm… a 212? Maybe I’ll just get a 1X15 or 2X12 extension cab for it. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 11, 2006 - 08:53 am: | |
i think you will really like a 2 12" rh cab. its a great addition to the 2 10 combo. has an edge over the 1 15 rh. |
Hubert (hubert)
Username: hubert
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Friday, July 07, 2006 - 08:51 pm: | |
A family of MM's
Steve Stoll (beffjeck)
Username: beffjeck
Registered: 07-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 09:40 pm: | |
Two weeks ago i didn`t know Musicman amps existed. Today i`m the proud owner of a 115 sixty-five ! Found an ad in our local paper, called the number, he said his late uncle played accordian thru it. I told him i was interested and he said i could try it out for a couple days. This amp has the tone i couldn`t get out of my HD Deluxe, crazy tight bottom end! The amp is in very good condition (couple little slits at the bottom of the grillcloth. I think one of the tubes is an original. Here`s the kicker... i paid $150 for it! I don`t see this model mentioned much in the forum, was it not a very popular amp ? P.S. Thanks for the password Steve!! |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Thursday, July 13, 2006 - 06:08 am: | |
I personally didn't sell very many back in the day when I handled them. At that time, there was a horsepower race going on and the "Twin" type amps were the most popular and the 130 heads. THe 1-15 variant, although cool today, just didn't seem to catch on. Seems to me thay were aimed at steel players. If your amp has the 12ax7 PI tube, to ME, that's a very desirable amp. I like 15's. Like 12's too. Don't really like 10's, so of course, what do I own, a couple of 2-10 amps! Mike. |
Steve Kennedy (admin)
Username: admin
Registered: 03-2002
| Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 07:52 pm: | |
That's a great price! I agree with Mike, the 115 models are fairly scarce today when compared to all the other models but they should have a punch you can't get from smaller speakers. The 115 models seemed to be favored by steel players and jazzers for their smooth effortless low-end performance. Good score! Steve |
Beau Fredericks (bfredericks)
Username: bfredericks
Registered: 06-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, August 02, 2006 - 07:04 pm: | |
Hey beffjeck, Did you buy that amp on Craigslist in Seattle? If so you beat me to it! I about crapped my pants when I saw that price and I emailed them about an hour after it went up. Sadly no reply... Beau |
Jim Gaudoin (jim4460)
Username: jim4460
Registered: 08-2006
| Posted on Monday, August 21, 2006 - 03:01 am: | |
Hi, I just managed to buy a 112RD 100watt, it sounds fantastic. Only one problem the reverb is very feint, it' just about there when the control is full on. Any ideas what the problem might be ? The lables have come off the speakers, but it all looks orginal, no sign of screws beeing removed. Anyway, I will post some pic's. By the way this is a great site.} Cheers, Jim |
Roy Simison (froggy)
Username: froggy
Registered: 09-2006
| Posted on Monday, September 04, 2006 - 11:02 pm: | |
This is my RD 50 saved from the dumpster. My old friend Lee Freeman (Strawberry Alarm Clock) was moving and this RD 50 chassis was headed for the dump the power tansformer was fried so I saved it. First I replaced the transformer put the updated drivers 2N6488 did a cap job and stuffed some matched Phillips 6L6WGB's and a GE 5751, Well this thing sounded great so since the cab was MIA I built seperate cabs for the head and speaker and put the correct tank in the head cab the speaker is a 200W Eminence. I built a frame that is quickly detachable and has a guitar holder it is a nice setup and allows me to point the speaker up or down which is handy in some clubs.I also designed and fabricated the B/G palm peddles handy for country music on my 79 Les Paul Artist. If you never owned one let me just say if you hit the expansion switch on the artist in the overdrive mode on the RD 50 you can come back a week later to the same sustained note or harmonic the rig is a head turner. JPG JPG |
David Caris (stratoquacker)
Username: stratoquacker
Registered: 03-2007
| Posted on Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 12:12 pm: | |
Steve: I just bought a RD100 112. The amp has a 15" Altec in it with no apparant mods to the cabinet. Was this an factory option? This amp sounds ungodly great. Just gigged with it and wow! I have 20 really nice high-end axes and they sound great thru it, but the single coils really sparkle on my G&L legacy and ASAT classic. My Fulltone, TC and Carl Martin pedals love this rig as well. I am embarassed that I paid $200 for it - in great shape I might add. Anyone in West Los Angeles expert at servicing these. I would like it gone over since the prior owner said he owned for 20 years and never serviced it. It supposedly sat in a closet. WHY THE HELL ARE THESE AMPS SO INEXPENSIVE? It's like no one has figured out how great they are. I myself own an original 1992 Matchless, but this amp sounds just a great in it's own uniquely Fenderish way. } |
T.E. Price (uposb4)
Username: uposb4
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 - 12:16 am: | |
I just posted the first MM video on youtube to give the not-knowing a taste of what we know. Nothing special just random_"lame"-riffing to demo the tone. I know some people really dont care for the overdrive these amps produce but im pretty happy with the way mine sounds. Let me know what you think. mE |
John Gilroy (jgilroy)
Username: jgilroy
Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010 - 06:57 pm: | |
Over the past five years or so, I've been collecting the earlier models of the MM amps, with the 12AX7 phase inverters and with speakers with horseshoe alnico magnets. In the front row of the pic attached are: 410 - HD (BO 02515) 410 - HD (BO 02618) 65-115 BN 01459 In the back row: 65-210 (BN 03347) on top of a 212RH cabinet 65-112 (BN 00642) HD 130 Head (BO 02646) on top of 412 cabinet 212 HD (CO 01418) on top of 212RH cabinet All are in excellent working order, and all have the MM foot switches. Needless to say, it took me some time scanning e-Bay and other places to track them down. All but two, are 240w. I use a transformer for the 2 110w amps. On one of the HD 410s shows wear and tear. Regards, John Australia
John Gilroy (jgilroy)
Username: jgilroy
Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010 - 07:04 pm: | |
Over the past five years or so, I've been collecting the earlier models of the MM amps, with the 12AX7 phase inverters and with speakers with horseshoe alnico magnets. In the front row of the pic attached are: 410 - HD (BO 02515) 410 - HD (BO 02618) 65-115 BN 01459 In the back row: 65-210 (BN 03347) on top of a 212RH cabinet 65-112 (BN 00642) HD 130 Head (BO 02646) on top of 412 cabinet 212 HD (CO 01418) on top of 212RH cabinet All are in excellent working order, and all have the MM foot switches. Needless to say, it took me some time scanning e-Bay and other places to track them down. All but two, are 240w. I use a transformer for the 2 110w amps. On one of the HD 410s shows wear and tear. Regards, John Australia
John Gilroy (jgilroy)
Username: jgilroy
Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2010 - 07:08 pm: | |
Here's another pic showing the cabinets.
Janne Nurmi (elwood66)
Username: elwood66
Registered: 11-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 02:59 am: | |
Greetings from freezy Finland! Just bought a Music Man 65 Reverb head. I also had 112-RD - combo about 15 years ago, but when kids came around it had to go then. My head has tube PI - it's circa -76 or older. Condition is almost mint, tremolo and reverb work just fine, EL34:a are Svetlanas and bias has been balanced. One slight mod has been made, there is a separate power switch in the rear panel, beside the stand-by and only "Hi-Lo" is now chosen from front panel. My cabinet is 2 x 12 old Hagström - which now has Eminence Private Jacks (2 x 16 ohm = 8 ohm). I just love to get back into MM -world, it felt great to find such a nice head at reasonable price. |
elwood66 (elwood66)
Username: elwood66
Registered: 11-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 03:21 am: | |
And here's one (bad quality) of my gear. \image |
elwood66 (elwood66)
Username: elwood66
Registered: 11-2010
| Posted on Sunday, November 28, 2010 - 03:28 am: | |
Leif (leif)
Username: leif
Registered: 09-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 03:30 am: | |
My HD130 and 2 x RH 115s
Kevin Murphy (spudmurphy)
Username: spudmurphy
Registered: 06-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2012 - 02:01 pm: | |
Hi. Haven't posted here for some time. I'll be hanging about a lot more now!! A Good friend tells me that he knows of a MM 112 RP 65 for sale. - a bit tatty but good!! I tell him that it's not the one I'm looking for - I want the RD (with the tube pre amp). He tells me the price and I think about it .... nah I tell him, no thanks. So that night he lets me play thro a 50's Fender Champ, A 62 Marshall 45 JTM, a 72 Marshall 50 and an "eight knob Vox AC 30" (this playing through some fine amps,becomes relevant later) So I thank him for the coffee and letting me play thro his amps. Anyway the next evening I see him and he says "guess what I just bought?" "Dunno" I say "The Holy grail? - 'cos if anybody can find it - you can!!" "No he says, a MM 112 RP 65" "Wot, the tatty one?" I ask? "No he says another one - 9.5/10 condition - absolutely no discolouration of the amp chassis thro heat, no rust - a great amp he says" He is remember an an amp tech, and knows his stuff. So lunchtime I went out, tried it and bought it - I can always get my money back on this if I decide to sell it. In comparison to the amps I mentioned earlier - it wasn't the best - but it wasn't the worst either!! A tube distortion pedal out front would be interesting!! Anyway I was so confident with the amp I used it live that night at a local gig - two 1 hour sets - amp didn't skip a beat!! Let's try posting a pic ... ... [IMG] uesplottboy/0081c57a.jpg[/IMG] Cheers Spud |
Kevin Murphy (spudmurphy)
Username: spudmurphy
Registered: 06-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, September 04, 2012 - 02:15 pm: | |
Just an experiment - trying to get this photo "thing" right - here's 3 of my MM guitars uesplottboy/P9253679.jpg - nope, couldn't do it. Does this board support photobucket links, if so how do you format it in the post? (I did try reading the info elsewhere but ... uh, I failed!! |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2012 - 08:29 am: | |
Your links worked just fine here. Mike. |
spudmurphy (spudmurphy)
Username: spudmurphy
Registered: 06-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, September 05, 2012 - 01:42 pm: | |
Hi Mike They appear on the forum just as links - albeit they do work. When I post onto the EB MM guitar forum I just past the IMG protocol into a thread and the picture appears on the forum post automatically. Pictures are appearing ok in earlier posts - so I have to be doing something wrong. I propose taking a load of photos of the insides of the amp that I could host on photobucket. Ah the vagaries,trials & tribulations of the virtual world lol |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Thursday, September 06, 2012 - 09:45 am: | |
Sorry. I misunderstood you. Go here: /20.html and it will prompt you through actually loading pics from YOUR computer. MIke. |
Ronnie Evans (ronrd50)
Username: ronrd50
Registered: 05-2013
| Posted on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 10:43 am: | |
Just joined the forum and my first post is about my MM 112-RD-50 SN N10205 chassis number 112-RD-Cal. I have the stock MM speaker stored, and a JBL K-120 installed and I run it with a JBL D-130F ext spkr mounted in a Standel amp cabinet. I changed out the reverb tank for a MOD 8BB3D1B long delay that gives it more of the old Fender reverb sound. I play Chet Atkins inspired fingerstyle and use Gibson & Gretsch Country Gent and 6120 guitars. I have a Voodoo vibrato for Duane Eddy style. |
Ronnie Evans (ronrd50)
Username: ronrd50
Registered: 05-2013
| Posted on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 11:27 am: | |
Photo of my Music Man RD-50 JBL K-120 speaker & Standel ext cabinet JBL D-130F speaker.
Ronnie Evans (ronrd50)
Username: ronrd50
Registered: 05-2013
| Posted on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 11:36 am: | |
My music man RD50 has a MOD 8BB3D1B reverb tank long delay for more of the old Fender reverb effect. I had to install a 45 dB pad in line with the return so it would operate around the middle of the reverb control knob.
Ronnie Evans (ronrd50)
Username: ronrd50
Registered: 05-2013
| Posted on Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 11:43 am: | |
My RD50 reverb return pad mounted in a shielded film canister (remember those?)
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Sunday, May 26, 2013 - 09:00 am: | |
Great looking RD. Always wanted to try one of them. Mike. |