Dylan Schink (cymbalmonkey)
Username: cymbalmonkey
Registered: 12-2010
| Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010 - 07:22 pm: | |
So I picked up a Sixty Five Reverb and 115 RH Sixty Five for $300 at a musician's swap. The thing looks as though it was in Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 and then toured with The Who for a few years. That said it sounds like a flippin' HIWATT at bedroom levels. It has the 12AX7 in the back, but no date anywhere in the head, so I have no idea when it was made. All I see is "8/80" on the preamp board and a huge "2" with some weird scribbles on the side of the chassis. It's rusty, but the transformers are in good shape, and despite it looking like it's fallen off a truck and then run over by said truck, it looks to be newly recapped and the tubes are fresh, so it's been maintained. Anyways, images exist.