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| Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2004 - 09:53 pm: | |
MARY MOTHER OF JESUS! I'm still alittle gitty from buying a 410-65. Its got the 12AX7A and it's ready to kill...I'd imagine that's why they stopped makin' 'em they meant WAY to much fucking business! -Cheers |
| Posted on Sunday, January 25, 2004 - 10:07 pm: | |
Forgot to actually tell you about it. It's in great shape with a few dings here and there, very little rust. Its had the speakers replaced with with Eminence "Legend"s which sound amazing. I've finally found a damn amp that I can get MY sound with! I got it from Mike's Music check 'em out at: |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Monday, February 23, 2004 - 05:24 pm: | |
I have two 410-65 models (one with the tube phase-splitter), and this is my very favorite amp in the world! I have numerous amplifiers at my disposal, but I always return to the 410-65. The Emininence Legends are great speakers. I have 2 12" legends in an Avatar extension cabinet I use to run in Stereo with the 410-65 but I have never heard 4 10" Eminence Legends before! You will notice that the ONE Music Man amplifier pictured on the front page of this site is... (drum roll please)... a 410-65! Steve
| Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2004 - 10:27 pm: | |
What exactly does a tube phase-splitter do? |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Friday, March 12, 2004 - 04:28 pm: | |
The phase splitter (be it tube or solid state) takes the single-ended audio ouput from the preamp and converts it into two complementary (balanced) signals to drive the push/pull pair(s) of output devices (be they tube or solid state). Music Man used a tube (12AX7) in the early models and then changed to a solid-state circuit because of some reliability problems. Many people hold the opinion that the one's with the 12AX7 tube were the most natural and warm-sounding models MM ever made. Personally, I don't hear that much difference UNTIL you are pushing the amp close to output tube overload (but that's just me). At lower audio levels I think they BOTH sound fantastic! Steve
| Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2004 - 11:29 pm: | |
Yes, they do sound fantastic! Tell me, are there many people who get on this site anymore (except myself and you ofcourse)? It seems a bit quiet to me. |
michael kaus
| Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 06:50 am: | |
THe traffic sometimes seems down, but hey, we are a small and proud bunch. I check the sight every other day or so, either from work or home. If there is a question I feel that I can answer, I always do. There are less people who remember the MM amp now than there were but I feel that the ones that do are even more dedicated. I have two MM's(only one that is working right now), but wish I could get more. THey are a part of music history and I, for one, like them. Mike. |
| Posted on Sunday, March 14, 2004 - 10:22 pm: | |
Hell yea man. Through thick and thin, come on stay true a Music Man amp will pull you through! You listen to Oi music much? |
John Drexler
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 04:22 pm: | |
Yeah, Carney. I relate. I have two...a 65-210 and a 65-112. The 210 was in good shape when I got it as a backup to the 112. The 112 I restored with new caps, tubes, grill cloth and added casters. Of the two, I prefer the 112...the bottom is fantastic, while the 210 will cut through anything on the stage. I call it my "toaster." It looks like one and makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck at high volumes. I can't stop playing when I get the 112 up around just oozes tone. I agree with Steve, the PI tube doesn't sound any different to me a normal-high volume than the totally SS model, of which I have one of each type. The 210 is like a mini-Fender Twin! Since I like the clean sound, these amps were made for me! I salivate every time I goose 'em and the talk back! Welcome to the club of MM owners! |
Peter Wolf
| Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 02:54 pm: | |
Hi Guys, Just thought I'd tell you my MM story. I bought a 112 RD 50 back in the early 1980s. Great quality amp / solidly built. The speaker blew at some point in the first year so under warranty I had a superb ElectroVoice put in. Now here's the sad bit. I never really liked the Distortion channel (at that time I still thought it was possible to make an amp which had great clean and distortion channels - but now I know it is quite a hard trick to pull off especially if the tone controls are shared. Anyway I purchased a Marshall 212 50W combo - It weighed a ton and very soon after the 25th Anniv Marshalls were released so I swapped my Marshall for the 50W Anniv Head and one 212 Silver Cabinet. This was a great deal but then I did something stupid - I traded the Music Man RD 50 fo another 212 Silver Cabinet..!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!! I later realised that one of the reasons I didn't like the tone from the MM was I was putting an early Ibanez SG copy thru it. Even so - if I recall correctly the Distortion channel was quite dark sounding. But now I know I could have had some easy mods done to make me happy. So that's the story and it would really be nice to still own that piece of Leo's music history. I'm thinking about getting a Carr Mercury to soothe my small tube amp distress. Cheers Pete |
Steve Kennedy (admin)
| Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 - 07:56 pm: | |
Sometimes a Music Man tone addiction isn't evident to the patient until he is forced into withdrawal! Take 2 MM 112RD-50s and call me in the morning. Steve
Rick Rogers
| Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 03:19 pm: | |
I have been the proud owner of a Sixty Five 115 for about six months now. I bought in in Louisiana from a small music store. It was in great shape except for the knobs. I replaced with an aftermartket set. As for tubes this one has the preamp tube other than that I don't know much more other than it works and sounds great. I also have a 65 reissue Twin Reverb and with the exception of the reverb the Music Man blows it away. I also recently came across a 100 watt 112 in mint condition, but funds were low so I had to pass on it. |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 08:54 pm: | |
I have owned my HD210-130 since I bought it new back in 1977. I recently moved and 2 years later had the amp fowarded to me... when I bought it, I felt it sounded crappy and felt ashamed of the sound, the reason was it had a broken 6ca7 tube (found this out in 1998 since I never used it that much) and was replaced by a Sovetek EL34 tube...3 original and that sorry Soviet tube...when it arrived here, I pulled 2 of the tubes and been using 2 instead of 4...I truly believe that after all those years of owning the amp, that tube was broke and the replacement all total made it sound like it sings... and Ill know better to use the same tube once i do replace the tubes using matches...Bill |
| Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2005 - 09:15 pm: | |
Clean Sounding MM's I have always thought the MM amp I have hd 130 reverb....was a clean wasnt known for awesome distortion....I always added some process to the signal before reaching the amp...although I would rather run it thru an effects loop..... |
| Posted on Sunday, October 23, 2005 - 08:35 pm: | |
Hey, everybody. I've got a 212HD150 I bought new from now defunct Witmer-Mcnease music in South Bend, IN in about '83 or '84. Was crazy about music then, but life happened and I got out of music, but never let go of my equipment. This amp is in absolutely mint condition, and still absolutely roars! I found this site, and have read many of the posts and pics with great interest. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how I can tell exactly what year this was made and maybe if we can tell how many were made of this model. It was special ordered at the time, and is equiped with EVM's. I've never played it with the preamp and the master amp at 10 for more than a few seconds... it just blows you out of the room. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 12, 2006 - 10:08 pm: | |
Hi all, I just joined the MM fan club today when I aquired thru trade a 410-sixty-five. I was actually looking for a bass at the pawn shop, but they had this so I tried it and fell in love. It's the solid state inverter, but I'm a tone freak, not a tube snob so I don't care. It's a little tatty with age and use (it was definitly a players amp) and has old svetlana tubes it in. It sounds great and loud but I noticed that the tube filiments are glowing bright orange. I know there's supposed to be some glow but shoud I worry? Also, aside from a little more headroom the hi/low power switch doesn't seem to do much. I've yet to play it at band volume though. |
mike kaus
| Posted on Friday, January 13, 2006 - 08:55 am: | |
The SS driver amps seam to have less effect on the power change than the tube versions. The elements in EL tubes ARE quite orange. The problem comes if the plates are glowing red/orange. Then you have to do something. Mike |
| Posted on Friday, January 13, 2006 - 04:17 pm: | |
Thanks Mike, I've played at ear ringing volume today for a couple hours and I don't think I have a problem AT ALL! I need to get the amp cleaned and maintained since it was very dusty. Any recomendation as to what kind of caps to use. Any other maintenance items I should have my tech look at? Band rehearsal tomorrow, can't wait. Matt |
mike kaus
| Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 06:22 am: | |
I always go with sprague/vishay if they come in the right values. Those are pretty much top of the heap. Sometimes, in some fender amp like my linear twin, they don't come in the right values-220mF@300v comes to mind. I think mouser caries all your normal sizes that you will need for a MM amp. For gawds sake don't forget to change ALL of the electrolytics, not just the filter caps. You should have a bunch of little ones on the driver board too. Don't have my glasses on but there appears to be 5 on the driver board alone. |
| Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 07:58 am: | |
Thanks again Mike. Once I have it serviced I'll post an update (though I can't imagine how it could sound any better!) Matt |
| Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 07:59 am: | |
P.S. I played through my Traynor YCV-40 today. I used to think that amp was prettry darn good but there's no comparison. |
Mark NL
| Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 11:59 am: | |
Hey Bigunclematt, About the thing with the High/low switch not working: it probably is working... switching it doesnt affect output volume much, just the voltage that goes throught the amp. With the higher voltage, you will be able to play a bit louder, without the sound breaking up. With the low setting your tubes will last longer though. |
| Posted on Saturday, January 14, 2006 - 09:57 pm: | |
Hey Mark, I figured that about the hi/low switch. I leave it on full power for the headroom since I play guitars with humbucking pickups. played with my band today. I (and they) are totally blown away by the sound. We had bass and guitar going simultaneously and It worked flawlessly. We're a trio and we sounded so huge it was like playing in a five piece band. I hope the amp lasts another 30 years. Has anyone tried to lobby Ernie Ball to reissue these amps? |
Jari Schroderus (schrja)
Username: schrja
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Monday, January 08, 2007 - 01:35 am: | |
Hi! I've been lurking around the forum for a while, but just got registered. I bought a MM 112 RP Sixty-Five about a month. It's in perfect condition and the sound is amazing! It was actually a giant step switching over to an MM amp, since the previous amp I had was a Behringer Vintager AC112 . Not that it was a bad amp. It's actually an ok amp, but there is no comparison between it and my RP 112. I payed 400 euros for it and it's worth every cent. Here's a couple of links to pictures of my MM: 3395_445f041dd4_b.jpg 3638_4d34400e83_b.jpg 7632_aacbce6fbc_b.jpg 3459_ebf7178da6_b.jpg 3547_03c6842e55_b.jpg 3747_ee683ffecf_b.jpg |