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Carlo from OZ
| Posted on Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 07:49 pm: | |
Hey all, wondering what pedals and effects you use that complement our groovy amps. ATM im using a TS9 with 808 specs and a more open tone control, a pretty modded vox wah, a EH Q-Tron, an original MXR Phase 90 and a DD6. I also use a volume control and the MM footswitch (tremolo and reverb). Dont have a pedal for heavy distortion?, and im looking at getting a EH Flanger. I can highly recommend tube screamers (with JRC4558) for sweet clean boost and slight overdrive. I would like to hear from people who use valve preamps in front of there amps - because would love one! Love to make one? Peace.
| Posted on Monday, January 24, 2005 - 04:45 am: | |
I've bought and sold a stack of pedals over the last year. What's left now is : Crybaby (True Bypass Modded) EB Volume pedal Boss DD20 (great delay) Line 6 MM4 And for OD, check out this stuff It's an Aussie company, I've been using a Blue Boy for a while, it's not a TS9 clone, but has the same sort of applications. I just got the Tube Zone, and WOW. For a good, amp like overdrive distortion, this thing is fantastic. The Music Man LOVES it. I know he is working on a Tube based pedal as well, but the Tube Zone does it for me.
| Posted on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 - 09:59 am: | |
I use the following pedals with my 212 HD 150: Crybaby wah Ibanez Tube King overdrive Danelectro Tuna Melt tremolo Danelectro PB&J delay Peavey DEP-16 (use as flanger) DOD chorus MM onboard phasor and reverb I agree with Damian, my amp also gets on famously with the tube overdrive. Also, it just feels right for me, since I would actually prefer a tube preamp in my Music Man, which is why I think the 12AX7 overdrive is a perfect fit for this amp. Plus, the Tube King can be found easier and for much less money than those elusive Chandler models. Here's a review from Uh oh, at last glance, that looks like too many pedals. What's that you say? I should concentrate on my playing and stop hiding behind pedals? Can't hear..too.. much.. distortion... |
| Posted on Saturday, January 29, 2005 - 08:22 pm: | |
just bought a sans amp tri-od, lets see how it boots. |
| Posted on Sunday, September 25, 2005 - 09:52 pm: | |
i'm running an effector 13 truly beautiful disaster, vintage 70's Boss SD-1 with 4558d chip, Zvex Fuzz Factory through my hd130 |
Nicholas Tripodi (tripodi)
Username: tripodi
Registered: 01-2007
| Posted on Thursday, March 15, 2007 - 12:33 am: | |
my meager setup for my 112rd 100 : modded PRO CO rat 2 distortion LINE 6 DL4 Delay somehow i feel like thats enough - maybe im missing something...? |
David Caris (stratoquacker)
Username: stratoquacker
Registered: 03-2007
| Posted on Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 12:48 pm: | |
My signal chain in order: Carl Martin Compressor - Fulltone OCD - Fulltone Mini Deja Vibe - Fulltone Choralflange - TC Electronic Vintage Delay - Musicman RD100 112 w/ 15" Altec instead of a 12". Sounds like a million bucks. I also use Quantum connectors and Fulltone guitar cables. |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Saturday, March 24, 2007 - 04:36 pm: | |
Here-you can see for yourself. Believe it or not, that little behringer POS is pretty good. I took off the big EQ and put this on in it's place. All of my pedal I have rodded to sound the way that I want. THe DS-1 doesn't REALLY get used, it's just there for one song that I wanted a swarm of bees for. 122.jpg |
John Gilroy (jgilroy)
Username: jgilroy
Registered: 03-2009
| Posted on Saturday, October 10, 2009 - 05:49 pm: | |
After trying all different types of pedals, I've just come back to the basics - a Ibanez TS808, Boss GE7 (Equaliser), Cry Baby Wah, and Boss TU 12H (tuner). However, most of the time, I content with the tone of the amp, and only use the foot-switch. ~ John |
Spot Mandoo (spot)
Username: spot
Registered: 10-2007
| Posted on Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 11:58 am: | |
I have a typical board I use with my half stack – live rig with an old Small Clone chorus, Line 6 delay, Korg tuner, homemade phaser and a 1973 Vox King Wah. But for some serious dirt I run a Tone Bone HOT BRITISH 12AX7 driven overdrive pedal/distortion pedal with my 410-130 and it’s incredible. Powerful, warm, cuts beautifully. Turns it into an instant high gain amp. |
Brian M. Watson (mrroundel)
Username: mrroundel
Registered: 06-2007
| Posted on Friday, November 13, 2009 - 11:40 pm: | |
I didn't have a lot of luck with using pedals with my MM 210 HD130 until I hooked up a pre-TRex (Who's now making the T.C. Jauernig designed pedal), DGTM (Diabolical Gristle Tone Manipulator) to it. I'm incredibly stoked with it. It's as if I just went and bought a multi-thousand dollar boutique amp to pick up more flavors of good tone. I'd recommend the pedal highly. One of the guys on the G&L guitar discussion page was selling it and it sounded like something that would work for me. It does. |
Bill Traylor (bozzy369)
Username: bozzy369
Registered: 02-2008
| Posted on Saturday, November 14, 2009 - 03:40 am: | |
My situation is kind of the oppisite,I have a 1oo rd and it's the first amp I have owned that I like the sound of pedals with ,and thats with the pedals hooked up at the frontend .So ,I'm just now tinkering with the effects loop,which can only make some effects sound even better.Now,one crazy thing I will mention,is the more tube or tube emulation the effect is ,the worst it sounds though this amp,the distortion sound i'm getting from this amp is really tube sounding for a solid state preamp,so when I add a tube type effect it doesn't really change the tone for the better just gets abit more hiss,some rave about the bad monkey ,and i will say i have not tried that pedal because of my luck with tube and tube screamer type effects ,this head for some reason makes pedals that some claim to not be really all that high gain ,really come to life with more gain then most will ever use .Like the tone driver from digitech,most say thats a fairly lightweight in gain dept. pedal.but in that head its a shreader,most don't like the supra distortion ,but though this head it shines.I mean I can understand where the bad reveiws come from i have ran the same effects though other amps and they sound kinda lame,also the input you use on this head makes a huge difference's labeled kinda backward to me but makes sence now,if you are using single coils put the guitar though the low input,it's actully like a gain stage.if its hot humbuckers use the high,it's like a limiter.well,enough said ,the musicman amp is not typical soundwise. |
Johnny Robidoux (johnnyr)
Username: johnnyr
Registered: 04-2010
| Posted on Monday, April 26, 2010 - 05:26 am: | |
This like as good a place as any to ask this question... Before I bought my MM Sixty Five (and GS412 cabinet) I read all the reviews of it on Harmony Central. Many of the reviews mention that the MM Amps "take pedals well". I mean, if a particular amp "takes pedals well", there must be some amps out there that don't take pedals well. I know zero about electronics and I was wondering what is meant by that. Thanks! |
Chris Haines (chris)
Username: chris
Registered: 02-2008
| Posted on Monday, April 26, 2010 - 02:43 pm: | |
There is a great post that talks about this under "Website Questions, Suggestions & Problems / MM130HD What Class What Type". It's the 4th post down. |
Johnny Robidoux (johnnyr)
Username: johnnyr
Registered: 04-2010
| Posted on Monday, April 26, 2010 - 03:52 pm: | |
Chris...thanks for the pointer to that post! It was extremely informative and answered my question ...and more! |
Dylan Schink (cymbalmonkey)
Username: cymbalmonkey
Registered: 12-2010
| Posted on Monday, December 13, 2010 - 08:14 pm: | |
An Electric Mistress and a Russian Big Muff Pi make my Sixty Five sing. |
David Goldberg (ddgoldberg)
Username: ddgoldberg
Registered: 07-2011
| Posted on Saturday, July 23, 2011 - 12:35 am: | |
I'm running a Johnson J-Station MIDI Multi-effects processor through my MM 75. It sounds awewome bacause the MM has the capability of being so clean that you have complete control of the sound with the effects. The speakers you use will also affect and color your sound as well. |
Dave Gossett (davey)
Username: davey
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 09:30 am: | |
As with friends that come and go through the years so has been the effect boxes on my pedal board. I've settled in to using my current set-up for quite a while now. It's older gear but it works for me. #1 is a Tuner ( A must to have in my opinion. I once played a gig where the other guitarist spent almost the entire first set trying to tune his guitar. Boy, that was a long set.) Then in order.. Boss CS-3 compressor - Ibanez CS-9 Chorus - Vox Wah pedal - Korg/ToneWorks G1 Distortion/Echo - MM amp. I really like using a powered pedal board also. But I've always carried a bunch of batteries in my back-up bag. Dave. |
Lars Verholt (lmv)
Username: lmv
Registered: 11-2009
| Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 12:29 pm: | |
I use a Boss PH-1r phaser (with caution), a Chandler Tube Driver (BK Butler) and a clean boost. Sometimes I use the other Butler pedal, the black 'Real Tube' for a heavier distortion sound. These days I use a 130HD reverb head with either one or two 210 cabs depending on the size of the room - when I get my 112 sixty-five combo speaker re-coned I'll probably susbtitute the HD head and the single cab on the smaller indoor gigs. PS - I also use a tuner PPS - besides Stratocasters I use a 1981 Fender Bullet on stage for a Telecaster feel and sound. By now I've stopped explaining what kind of guitar it is when people say 'nice Tele!'. I'm sure a good many MM amp owners have had to explain to bar patrons that the nice 'Fender' amp is not really a Fender... Cheers, Lars Verholt |
Dave Gossett (davey)
Username: davey
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 03:06 pm: | |
Lars, I've had the same problem with MM/Fender amp identity confusion. To add to the crisis, one of my amp covers has the word, Fender prominently displayed on the front. It was given to me by my brother years ago and fits my 2/12/65 perfectly. O' well.. Best Regards, Dave. |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 05:25 pm: | |
Hate to show you all the crap I use but here it is. Some are built by me, some are factory pedals with mods. The ONLY one I haven't changed is the tuner-what ARE you going to do with that! 013.jpg PS-this was easier that postingthe pic since it's up on MY site. |
Bill Moore (bill_moore)
Username: bill_moore
Registered: 03-2013
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2013 - 10:26 am: | |
Mike, that certainly looks like a tech's pedal board! I'll bet there's no problem with their operation. |
Mike Kaus (mm210)
Username: mm210
Registered: 05-2006
| Posted on Monday, August 12, 2013 - 02:31 pm: | |
No, everything's pretty good. In fact, friday night when we played I had THE tone for a change. We all usually go through the jobs getting close but friday it all was as close to the ideal setup as I have ever had. Wish I could bottle it! The onlt problem with the pedalboard is the COT50 that I just built in the last few months. It SOUNDS great and I LEAVE it on but I made the mistake of putting an ultra bright blue LED in it. The damned thing blinds me when I look down! Going to have to do something about that. THe lower board lifts up and the power supplies are underneath with the wires routed through holes so there is no mess on top. Actually, you can see the whole thing here: txt.html on my side site from the band. |
Tom Wright (tomawright)
Username: tomawright
Registered: 01-2014
| Posted on Thursday, January 30, 2014 - 01:44 pm: | |
Hi guys! I use a whole bunch of different pedals for different things but something I tried yesterday worked really well. I use an A/B box to switch between the two inputs on my 65 Head. I have also used a TC Electronic Flashback X4 Delay/Looper pedal for ages. Yesterday I figured I'd try using the pedal in stereo IE Between the A/B Box and the two amp inputs. WOW! Result! I can now loop chords on the Normal channel (with my Rhythm settings) then play Solos on the Bass channel (my lead)! Anyone else tried this? End result if you're doing this means that you can keep one channel's loop sounding very clean and use stuff like tape delay to drive out the OTHER preamp at the same time! Then everything blends nicely back together. You can also use a couple of mute/tuner pedals to turn off either channel while leaving the loops going! Going to build a little FX loop pedal for that I think... |