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| Posted on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 - 05:58 pm: | |
I strolled into a pawn shop a few years ago and spotted a MM HD-130 w/ a single EV speaker in it. The previous owner had put masking tape acros the faceplate/knobs and spray painted the rest of the amp black. And when I say the rest of the amp, I mean it. Casters, handle, grill cloth, logo, everything... And then stenciled in white the name of the group 'Lightyear' across the grill cloth. The owner of the pawn shop had it priced at $400 US dollars! I walked out thinking of the ridiculous price, and didn't return until two years later and of course the amp was still there. This time though I though maybe I could negociate, get it cheap, and either restore it, or use it for spare parts. I got her down to $295, but she wouldn't budge below. Ok, I walked out, no heartburn. I returned there a year, and it was still there. Same dialog with the owner. Ok, I walked out, and returned there yet a another year later, and this time it was gone.
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 03:01 pm: | |
Shameful... She should have sold it to you for $100 on your "fourth year" attempt!