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Marc Mulay
| Posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 04:19 pm: | |
I've got a MM 210-HD One*Fifty. The speakers have the MM Decal on the back. C10-GHD is white-printed on the frame and on the paper is printed 45106-1. I googled this up; x.htm but wonder if perhaps anyone might be able to tell me who made these speakers, and/or anything you might know about them! Thanks- Marc |
| Posted on Thursday, April 24, 2003 - 06:07 pm: | |
6 answer...No one here knows anything about original MusicMan amp speakers? . C'mon fellas! The information I've provided should mean SOMETHING to a qualified, professional amp.'s not a trick question, I'm a recording musician. Anyone? |
carl from aus
| Posted on Friday, April 25, 2003 - 08:57 am: | |
it should also have a serial number on the rim of the speaker, you can see it - 67-1677 67 is the brand code "eminence" 16 is the week of the year 77 is the year try seachinging most info is ob here hope this helps carl |
| Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 12:48 am: | |
Thanks Carl, but it appears that you provided that information while simultaneusly ignoring specific serial # information I've already provided in the the very first post of this short thread. I'm going to assume that MM acquired 10" speakers from this mysterious German firm, GHD. Since no one else has said a word, I'm left to conclude that I'm correct. |
carl from aus
| Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 09:30 pm: | |
okay, if i look in my MM210"130W it says this in white writing on the rim of the speaker when looking through the back of the amp. A10-GHD 67-7645 this tells me that it is 10" and 67=eminence and it was manufactured in the 45th week of 1976 other infomation is that the basket is basically solid with lots of 1/2" circles cut out. it also has a square magnet covering, with a decal of the MM logo. according to the specifications, and other posts, MM came out with eminence and ev's. it might be a good idea to search this number 45106-1. wich is what differentiates my speaker from yours, teknically speaking this should be the number wich determines the brand of speaker. This info also applies to my MM ext. box. hope this help even a little bit. |
carl again, doesnt know much as he is only 19yo, and from the burbs of melbourne where he has spent his entire life.
| Posted on Saturday, May 03, 2003 - 09:38 pm: | |
ghd means something different as it is on my speaker also. and my model number on the front badge says, 210"HD 130, describing something different, im not sure what it means but its on the same lines as RH, like in the MM 212"RH, which implies reflex horn, the type of speaker , but not the "brand". ask steve, email him, he knows his shit. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 07, 2003 - 01:52 am: | |
Thanks Carl. Well, presumably, Steve reads this stuff and hasn't bothered to assist. Appreciate your input though. The interesting part will be changing these out for the best 10" speakers out there. don't need to yet though! They're 23 years young and rockin' I love this amp. MVM MM HD210 One*Fifty |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 - 12:22 pm: | |
Uh, C= ceramic 10= 10-inch G= guitar HD= heavy duty My slightly educated guess. If there's a 67 on the frame, then, as Carl mentioned, it's an Eminence speaker. Hope this helps. |
carl from aus
| Posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 - 10:35 pm: | |
great work stonewall i guess the A=alnico? on my amp the problem is that marc has the number 45106-1 instead of a number starting with 67 (eminence) maybe their ev's? |
| Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 11:23 am: | |
Yeah, A=alnico makes sense, especially knowing that pre-1980 MM's were stocked with Alnico speakers. Post 1980 were ceramic, for the most part I think. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 11:27 am: | |
Forgot to address Marc's other problem -- seems he doesn't have the second set of numbers on his speaker basket that would indicate the OEM and the manufacture date. If he don't have this info, then he's probably SOL. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 29, 2003 - 10:23 pm: | |
Laughing- if the speakers sucked, I'd say i'm "SOL", but as it is, they're LONG term live gig proven and sound fantastic. My interest has been to source out the Mfr. so as to replace w/ exact duplicates come the time. Thanks for "getting it" Carl. Stonewall doesn't know dick but at least he lamely semi-qualifies the fact with "Uh...My slightly educated guess...". Wouldn't it be great to have $ ____ for every one of these? Ha ha. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 07:07 am: | | htm or ha10.html |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 03, 2003 - 07:11 am: | | om.html |
| Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2003 - 07:34 pm: | |
Found it; 67-8032 Other speaker; buried in the cabinet bowel requiring a mirror. Thanks Carl and Stonewall. Ceramic 10" Eminence speakers made the 32nd week (August)of 1980. |
Steve Kennedy
| Posted on Monday, October 06, 2003 - 02:49 pm: | |
I get to reading posts only once every week or two (if I'm lucky) because of family, e-mail inquiries, job and band demands on my time. This IS a hobby (although I can be a paid consultant for quicker service! :-)). Sometimes, I just let things take their course without me. I am not the world's expert on anything, just a fellow enthusiast with a technical background over a period of decades that adds some weight to my opinion on certain topics. That, and the the fact that I put up and almost maintain this site!
the boy from oz not hugh jackman, carl!)
| Posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2003 - 09:23 am: | |
steve, i love you man |
michael kaus
| Posted on Thursday, December 25, 2003 - 07:57 am: | |
This guy comes here looking for help WITH an attitude? Steve, you've helped a lot of people and hopefully I have helped a couple. This guy's a jerk and should be ignored. 'Nuff said. |