Need yor help music mann affinados!!!!
Two days ago everything was fine as i was used to it, super sound clean or dirty. But today when i want to do my workout my 112RP doesn't give a tone at all. Nothing. Can anybody help me along where i can start to search the reason for this? I didn't touch him at all in between. Its a sixtyfive by the way. When i turn on the reverb and raise the gain-knob you hear the sound of a backlash, it turns down when i lower the reverb. But same result guitar plugged or unplugged no soumd at all .Anybody an idea whats goin on there?
Thank you!
Don't have a schem here but
Don't have a schem here but have you tried plugging into the effect jack to see if the signal continues from there?
Isolate the fault
I was trying to figure out what backlash sounds like and figured you are referring to the sound that comes from a reverb tank when jarred. If it made noise, this is good. A few questions: Are you certain your guitar is putting out a good signal? Try it out on a friends amp to be sure. Also test your cord. After that, do as mm210 suggests to try and isolate the fault. Plug your guitar into the 100mV Lo Line jack and give a strum. This will connect your guitar to the 2nd stage pre-amp. Make sure the guitar Volume is turned full up. If you don't hear the speaker come alive, plug the guitar into the 3V Hi Line jack and strum again. This connects your guitar directly to final stage power-amp. Let us know the results and we'll go from there. Good Luck. -mgriffin
BTW: Here's the schematic for your amp: