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112-65 RP


bart looman
Posted on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 10:36 am:   


I just bought a 112 sixty five RP in pretty good condition. It has no pre amp tubes so it's one of the later versions.

2 things:
tubes are very old 'telefunken' el34. are these the originals? and whats a good brand to replace them with?

the grillcloth almost literally turns into sparkling dust when i even touch it.
Whats the name of the original colour of the grillcloth?
Is it hard to replace it myself? (i'm semi clumsy)


bart, holland
Steve Kennedy (admin)
Username: admin

Registered: 03-2002
Posted on Friday, May 06, 2005 - 03:53 pm:   

You will find some instructions on installing new grill cloth in the area marked "Grill Cloth". If you are a total klutz and have no tools or patience it is best left to someone who can handle it. To do it right can easily consume several hours.

The RD/RP 65/100 series never had any other tubes other than the output tubes. It may be possible that the Telefunkens are original tubes. There seem to be a lot of people who like the JJ EL34... look in the Tube topic for specific information.
